Topic: What State is the cheapest to register a class A motorhome: Posted By: 6463153 on 06/22/05 06:44am What State is the cheapestest to registar a Motor Home and how do you do it. Permanent registration. Description. A $3.00 reflectorized plate fee is assessed when new plates are issued. They even advertise free mail address and forwarding. Thank you for your service and enjoy your retirement, sir! Given our countries current upheaval by the ilk that fail to pay their fair share and consistently demand more, my wife and I have decided to purchase an RV for full-time living so that we may stay ahead of the riots, looting and arson. Im not exactly sure Sylvia but I do know if you search online for Nevada residency mail services or something to that effect, youll find out how to do it. Its not necessarily about trying to get away with something. Thanks. Is someone going to go to a store where the price of goods are 4 times the price of the other one down the street and waste their money on such an adventure doing so? For example, this one by the State of Indiana. *These rates were based on a 40 year old driver with clean MVR and median insurance credit score, an 8 year old $40K tractor and $22K trailer with $1 Million Primary Liability and $1,000 deductibles for Comp and Collision. Which of course you Liberals never do. A $3.00 filing fee is included in each registration. Its the skim, scam, squander, and vote buying which I object to. Gross weight of combination and age. Set up an LLC in any state and use a Mail Center for the address. I agree with Candace. Celebrate your smart purchase in Alabama with a bottle of wine, which will set you back about 25% less than it would in Atlanta. Rving for 30 yrs & best/cheapest way to be legal. An additional fee of $1.50, a $1.00 clerk fee, a 50 cent emission fee, $1.00 Emergency Medical Network, and a $2.00 fee for cars with air conditioners are included. Each company we work with has specific experience requirements for their drivers. I feel I have earned, BUT, tough. She registered her trailer in NJ for years. They encourage failure in a large segment of of the population by putting them/us on the Government Plantation and demonize the very citizens that actually work, bear risk, to produce GDP, see and grasp opportunity. A segment of the politicians discovered more wealth in Government than cotton, and promptly placed a segmentrapidly growing.of the population on the Government Plantation by indoctrinating them to be victims not responsible for their own condition. IDK why you replied to my post with that ad hominem attack. Second American Revolution over taxation by representation. In some ways it makes you an illegal occupant does it not? I believe they have them in Mesquite, TX but I do not know of anyplace within the Mesquite city limits that allow them. $18 for 3 tons or less to $810 for 36 tons. for 4,000 pounds or less to $1.20 per cwt. I am doing the same thing trying to compare states and would very much apreciate the info. Proving ourintentionis even more complicated. Tennessee used to have a tax on dividend income but that is now a thing of the past. The man touching the trunk says he is touching a snake, The man touching the side says he feels a wall. A fool and their money are soon partedespecially by politicians and taxing authorities. Are we going to start filing state property taxes for every out-of-town hotel we stay at also? A 50 cent reflectorized plate fee is assessed when new plates are issued. And, someone feels it is wrong to have the fruits of their own labor stolen as taxation to fund the Plantation. Another person trying to ruin a site with politics. . READ: LEGAL RESIDENCE. Seen Lake Mead lately? No additional fee for first (heaviest) semitrailer. Sorry. $48.00 for 16,000 pounds or less to $515.40 for 50,001 to 60,000 pounds. 2021 Cost of Living score: 68 out of 75 points (Top States Grade: A . Could also show rental agreement of RV from LLC. We recently sold our large (4800 sqft) home in Texas and are traveling in our Class A RV. Have your MT LLC service company register your RV and mail you back your registration and license plate. Our domicile is the state in which we choose to file paperwork concerning our important legal affairs. This is rubbish. Take everything you can get! Renewal fee: $20. A reflectorized plate fee, not to exceed $1.50 above actual cost, rounded to the nearest 25 cents, is assessed when new plates are issued. Because the DMV fees are very expensive in Nevada. Still, you are left with four states and Montana (of course) to move there and purchase your RV. I assumed I would want to change my residency back to Florida when I hit the road full time because it appears to be more favorable to RVers and snowbirds. No. As previously noted we are still contributing to the tax base with other taxes sales tax, fuel tax, grocery tax, etc. That way, you officially have an "address" in the . Second, there are no multiple year registrations. Vehicle property taxes ranked 36th nationally with average tax of $322, 2nd worst on my list . Verdict: All in all, Montana and Texas stats are the best states to purchase an RV. Gross weight of combination. Maximum of 10 trailers with a single tractor truck. 1 Year Taxes. Paperwork to show your responsibility for providing insurance in your name with LLC as co-insured. Flat fee. Fee reduced in the eighth year of vehicle life. Northeast NV is tiny populations of people in extreme rural counties. We cannot register trailers with sleeping quarters (e.g. Housing costs in Mississippi are the lowest in the nation. Others dont own anything more than whats stored in their rig. If you are caught doing this you can be fined anything . Taxing authorities take it personal if you dont surrender the fruit of your labor to fuel their insatiable appetites for money. All vehicles over 80,000 pounds must purchase an overweight permit, and if overlength, an oversize permit as well. Running a country has to come from from its people. You may check the availability of a vanity plate online. Guide to Residency Requirements. Once we choose a domicile,federal and state governments want us to prove that we always intend to live inthat statefor the majority of the year. You may be on a trip, staying elsewhere, forgot until the last minute and now the trip back isnt feasible. A $2.25 service charge is included in the example fees. If you want to pay more, please do so. Even if you are not a resident of Montana, there are several companies out there that will help you get a Montana LLC to register your RV and eliminate sales taxes. This is done to take money out of circulation for a year at a time to bring down inflation. Was visiting with another motorhome owner who lives in Michigan but has Florida plates on his rig. Georgia. We want to stay someplace as long as we want, but dont want to pay any taxes that go to pay for many of the basics we take for granted. $13.00 flat fee plus $2.60 per 1,000 pounds for 10,001 pounds to $12.00 per 1,000 poundsfor 76,001 to 80,000 pounds. This is a long comment because I tend to be verbose and like to give a full communication. Thank you for your service!! The State of Maine and Maine Trailer Inc. are a low cost option for out-of-state trailer registration. When I first started full timing I read many articles about this and finally decided to take the plunge and moved my domicile from CA to SD. Shift handles all documentation, even financing, so it's a one . However . For starters, South Dakota charges a 4% excise tax. The company in SD told me I could keep my address in CA and my Drivers license and register my vehicles in SD if I get an address through them. But what about the $1,000 in gas you might spend getting there? A $2.25 service charge is included in the example fees. Even when a second home. Ill do my utmost to avoid what I may and pay for the goods and services that I require. $49.50 for 12,001 pounds to14,000 pounds. The bureaucrats of this world force all of us to have an official domicile. If your only home is an RV and you spend most of your time in one stateI keep hearing Californiawhy would you not feel it is fair to pay the registration in that state and consider it your fair share?. We often see a summer exodus of our RV clientsthey travel to get out of the heat and come back home for the fall. Take the The $400 (for the 2020 tax year) is the Annual Charge (aka Annual Fee) which is a part of the tax obligations filed with the Rhode Island Division of Taxation. No Personal Property Tax on Vehicles and RVs. Its not how much we pay, its how much is blown and why should we pay so much. Since you have to pay personal property tax on the possession of vehicles, furniture, and other personal items, you can take Florida and Washington off this list. That does not mean we are adverse to paying taxes. Maybe taxes in California for those of us who admit to living there and actually pay all those exhorbitantly high taxes and fees would be less. A lot of Full time RVers dont have a brick or wood house, also US citizens and Military that work over seas also need to have to pick a state to be their residence, for mail, banking and to pay their federal income taxes. Setting up a new mailbox cost money, getting a new drivers license cost money, etc. Minimum fee $100.00. We use the roads, the sewers, the water and hand over our garbage to be dealt with. Gross weight of combination and flat fee. Highest auto insurance (average $1,156/annum) No. In order to use Nevada as domicile? Also received is a travel allowance, miscellaneous expenses related to his/her/they work and medical benefits. FL has been very lucky to have governors who were fiscally conservative for better part of the past 20 years. 6.25-8.25%. Moreover, there is no county sales tax. Rather than going away, this ass just keeps creating more aliases. Rhode Island also doesn't charge sales tax on any boat purchased in the state as long as it is registered in RI. Recently, I requested and received, a military specialty license plate for my Class A RV. If registered with tractor truck, $36 flat fee for lifetime registration. Trailer owners need to pay close attention to what I'm about to say. Trailer fee (freight) $20.25. And, despite that the inhabitants condition does not improve while the politicians become wealthy in office, they continue to blindly vote for the Santa Clause politicians. The PMB is also acceptable under new Safe ID requirements for a state DL. NV drivers license is valid for 8 years and can be renewed online And tack on unrelated surcharges. Flat fee plus fee based on gross weight of combination. A domicile involves legal paperwork. A $1.25 emergency medical services fee is included in the example fees. The numbers we found are current as of July 2021, but it's smart to check the current numbers with your state department of motor vehicles. Marco Rubio you need to be ashamed of yourself and so many other greedy bastards in the government need to be hung upside down for accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars and gifts to slant your vote. Ive always wanted to say that! Most u.s. citizens are uninformed and have no clue. An additional registration fee of $12.00 for less than 7 yrs. $45 for 2,000 pounds or less to $1,340 for 78,000 pounds. Motor Vehicle Registration Fees Motorcycles$10.00Recreational Vehicles (camping trailer)$13.50Recreational Vehicles (under 4,500lbs)$27.00Recreational Vehicles (over 4,500 lbs)$47.50Dealer and Manufacturer License Plate$17.00 How do I register a camper trailer in Florida? Hi Candace and others wondering the same. I always wonder why Nevada isnt mentioned? $88.50 for 26,001 to 48,000 pounds, and $129.50 for 48,001 pounds and over. Not paying any sales tax means huge savings when buying your RV. Ericka, Some of us have jobs that require us to live all over the damn place for months at a time. Deed or no deed. Tel: 303-364-7700 | Fax: 303-364-7800, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 515 This insurance covers all bodily i Renewal - Your trailer has been registered or titled in your name or in your company's name in Maine or any other State. However, there are a few differences to consider. Choosing a domicile is more complicated than picking a parking spot. It just seemed so much easier and cheaper in the long run. The median price for a single-family home in Mississippi is $140,818, and the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment is $777. If youre an entrepreneur, ease of running a business from that state is also a major factor. I am just curious. Which one? The reply buttons do seem a bit misaligned, and I can see how easily that could have happened. Mine (Reno) are $4600.00 every year. Its not cheating, but prudent, sensible decision making. Would you be willing to share? Utilities here are unbelievably and unreasonably expensive. A residence is simply where you live for the time being. A $2.25 service fee is included in the example fees. Has NO income tax. I had no intention of ceasing to declare my domicile in WA statewhich is also a no state tax just like FL/TX/SD, but I had no choice since I would have to produce proof of residence. I live in NY and Im leaving for those reasons. A corporation cannot exist within a Constitutional Republic. Some people have many residences, such as people whospend time on property theyownin multiple states. Flat fees in twelve different weight groups and applicable add-on fees are identical to those for single-unit trucks, gross weight groups. Not quite sure why you cant see that people on the road, in their tiny houses on wheels, are not paying taxes? $20 for less than 500 pounds to $431 for 16,000 pounds and over. In the meantime, the other company shut down and I had to come up with a forwarding address because I no longer had one! But, give a government largess in tax revenue and never see it go away, only grow. for over 73,000 pounds. So when it comes to the best state to register your RV in, many chose these two, which is why there are so many Montana and South Dakota license plates out there. $17 for 500 pounds or less to $39 for over 1,500 pounds. B. The initial move as with any initial move had more expenses attached to it than I had expected. Be careful about registering in Florida. old; $7.00 for 10 yrs. 92 Red-e-haul 12K equipment trailer Posted By: Cottontop on 06/22/05 05:11pm $35.00 plus a new fee that is going into place soon of $75.00 But when you first . Over 26,000 to 80,000 pounds, $17 per 1,000 pounds. A $2.50 inspection fee is assessed in addition to the fees shown. His registration for the same 5th wheel was less than 300 bucks in Florida. $79 for 20,001 pounds for 13th and subsequent registrations to $1,769 for 105,500 pounds for the 1st through 7th registrations. Almost every government act is a quid pro quo. Businessmen buy goods and services from the source providing the best value for their needs, why not do the same with taxing with your feet. $6 for 3,000 pounds or less to $12 for 10,000 pounds. Though, the post is the highlights. Company name, insurance identification code and policy number is required. With no sales tax, no wheel tax, no personal property tax, and low registration fees, Montana is by far the cheapest state in which to register an RV. UNLESS we can produce a address within that state. This makes them great states to buy and register an RV. $11 annual fee or $110 one time fee paid by each new owner. no state income tax, The Not So Good: (Paid when first registered). North Carolina: Flat fee. Its about time someone started giving you some perks for all that you risked and gave up for us!!!! To pay for the services of foreigners here that sneaked into America illegally? If I ever live there I will. Cost of Living Index: 87.8. Now Im up against that it is time to register my RV and my tow vehicle and I have to either register them in CA at a much higher rate (probably no way to check that I know of) or pay to get a new domicile in SD. When we die, if you really want to make it hard on the government, dont do any estate planning. Taxes are not used to pay for the every day things and services we use from the government. What a prick. We are able register your trailers from 5-12 years, and most times for less than $20 per year. Is that simple enough? Sick of paying for goods and services for others that dont work for them. You can license them in South Dakota with out being a resident there.however it is a good idea to have a drivers license from the same state they are registered in as then it all seems great if you get stopped by the police or get in an accident etc. Job Listing Rules. Buying a Camper in a State With No Sales Tax When you are making a large purchase, like a $100,000 camper for instance, sales tax is a big factor. Gross weight of combination. You think so? We also need a verifiable domicile for public obligations, like jury duty. Like in Montana, maybe RVers chose South Dakota RV registration for tax reasons. Scott Elgin has been in the trucking business since 1982, acting as both a motor carrier and a freight agent. in the proccess of buying my first RV QUESTIONi could use some help with. An $8.00 surcharge is included in the example fees. This post may contain affiliate links, This post may contain affiliate links or mention our own products, please check out our disclosure policy, The Final Choice Depends on Your Situation, The Three Best States for Full-time RVer Domiciles. Gross weight of combination. Buy RV through LLC. When I finally heard from the new company, they wanted around $300 to get set up and I didnt have the money at the time! The Judge doesnt care if it costs me further contracts with the government if I have to travel 4000 miles and abandoned my job for however long jury duty takes. A $1.50 per plate fee is assessed when new plates are issued. Registered with tractor truck, plus $19.50 flat fee. $2 for 1,000 pounds or less to $60 for 6,001 pounds and over. To afford a standard two-bedroom rental in Kentucky, a person earning minimum wage would need to work seventy-seven hours a week. Do need to change address with voter registration as youre restricted to voting for most general city, county, state, federal elections and not eligible to vote for some local items. Dont mind paying for services and goods received. Registered with tractor truck plus a $20 identification fee. A fictitious entity is not a human being. $65 for 3 tons or less ($55 after ten registrations) to $1,695 for 40 tons. Everyone's gotten stuck in the cheap house trap. Everything is done per year. A 25 cent Public Safety fee and a 50 cent financial responsibility fee are included in the example fees. you are absolutely right and I dont think she understand the subject. South Dakota also has no personal property taxes, meaning that you will only be responsible to pay a small registration fee each year to keep your RV current. The Government is not , an owner of land. All three states are income tax-free, the government entities will accept mail-forwarding addresses and they are headquarters for mail-forwarding services. Ftaxes on fuel, taxes when buying a vehicle, taxes on registering a vehicle. 3. Please consider its not paying taxes, so much as how much taxes and knowing how those in office blow it, and hide where it goes. Select the number of trailers you wish to register. The department heads, and illegal alien region/city admin., not so much. If you are an interstate carrier, you pay no sales tax. You may contact the BMV Registration Section with questions or comments at: (207) 624-9000 ext. Overall, costs in the state are 17% lower than the national average. For instance, it was brought to my attention that the fee for registering a small boat or ATV trailer in Maine for a 10 year period is $90 compared to a $21.50 per year cost in New York. You could even add extra if youre in the mood but dont accuse others of not paying their fair share, if they are citizens and pay taxes somewhere. If you . Tennessee has a sales tax. or portion thereof. I called and just got a message. There is emissions texting required for cars only (under 10,500 pounds) but if you or your vehicle are out of state you can request a waiver until you and your vehicle are back in the state to do it (and they are working on making it go away too). Gross weight of combination. $20 for 14,000 pounds or less to $400 to maximum weight, "not for hire" trucks, or to $725 to maximum weight, "for hire" trucks. $6.50 per 1,000 pounds for 6,001 pounds to $14.30 per 1,000 pounds for 80,000 pounds. Rene Agredano and her husband, Jim Nelson, became full-time RVers in 2007 and have been touring the country ever since. We pay taxes for roads every time we fill the tank. Its not an easy decision all of the time and many have given up a lot to do it. A 50 cent reflectorized plate fee ($1 per truck) is assessed when plates are issued. Flat fee. Over 3,700 lbs. A 50 cent reflectorized plate fee is assessed when new plates are issued. WA gas is $1/g > FL. Have some fun everybody! The rest I am not going to spend too much time robbing from that enjoyment just so I can avoid as many taxes as possible.