Is it still buried underneath the Hanging Tree? Its for my stepdaughter. I shouldve just skipped class, partied, had sex, had fun.Alice: [as she reveals her cut wrists] I hate to break it to you, but the fun, its not any more real than your polo shirt. Sarah Fier: Its you. - Deena (Fear Street Part One: 1994), 'One does not summon the Devil by chance. Sarah Fier: Look around, Solomon. Sarah Fier, the witch. As the activities at Camp Nightwing are about to begin, another Shadysider is possessed with the urge to kill, and the fun in the sun becomes a gruesome fight for survival. monologue: [noun] soliloquy 2. a dramatic sketch performed by one actor. Theyre afraid because they know youre different. C. Berman: In Shadyside, the past is never really past. Lets assume that the witch has been possessing people for some sort of messed-up vendetta. I dont want you guys to die for me. With Fear Street there's the sort of extravagant world-building and myth-making that we only see within superhero cinema, three stories that exist in the same place but at different times, each. Yet you resign yourself to it! My sister, theyre up there. No. Drugs baby, drugs. Solomon Goode: Full moon rises before nightfall. "Danny has a brilliant, funny, fresh monologue where . Stine books . I do like the weirdo from Shadyside. Was there a gunshot? Josh: And Shadyside doesnt. Sarah Fier: [to Solomon] The truth will come out. C. Berman: [over phone] Youre still alive!Deena: Who is this? It stops with us. Sheriff Nick Goode: What are you doing here?C. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: I dont get a thank you?Ziggy Berman: Oh! I was wondering what would've happened if she named him. This monologue, entitled The Child Who Didnt Know Fear, is one of over seventy short scenes that go to make up Caryl Churchills full-length play Love and Information. Cindy Berman: Explain to me whats so funny.Ziggy Berman: How dumb you are? Casting directors are now . How could I ever repay you? And like tonights been the first time Ive felt like myself in months. And Im just trying to be a good role model and make something of myself. (Male or Female, Serio-Comic, Kids/Juniors 5-13) The application Benjamin Flores Jr's character is chatting on uses the Calibri font. Alice: I was there, I was in the past.Cindy Berman: Youre okay.Alice: I saw the killers. Everything turns to s**t eventually. 04/01/1996 # 37. Deena: They didnt believe us. School's out for summer and the activities at Camp Nightwing are about to begin. You know, but look, it fits all your jams, and its portable.Highschool Kid: So its a radio?Martin: No. But when another Shadysider is possessed with the urge to kill, the fun in the sun becomes a gruesome fight for survival. The woods. Lizzie: She sacrificed her husband to become the Devils bride. All three "Fear Street" flicks were co-written and directed by Leigh Janiak, who has the difficult task of balancing the source material's teenage sensibility with the rated-R trappings of. What was different? Horror fans will be grinning over a visual . But ever since she was executed, shes been possessing people, turning them into killers, to take revenge on the town.Simon: Its like the nursery rhyme.Josh: Yeah. Only Ive grown tired of watching fortune turn a blind eye to me. Because, yeah. She sees something in you.Josh: So?Simon: So, see that in yourself, dude. I will show them what you've done. And what if her mother hid her the whole time in shadyside and nick never knew about her. Josh: I need you to stay calm, alright? We cant kill the Devil. These are some of the major questions raised by the haunting tale ahead of the final installment . I made those, with ingredients and s**t. Martin: No CDs, no tapes, no skipping. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: [referring to the witch] Thats not real, Ziggy.Ziggy Berman: Thats exactly what aSunnyvaler would say. And you think you can stop it? Shell find a way. Kurt: [after theyve had sex] You tell anyone about this, and youre dead. A London mosque. And Mary knew it, alright? They call me Sheriff Goode.Martin: Sheriff Goode? Thats how it was for Sarah, and thats how its been for us. Kate: [to Sam] Youre not doing this alone.Josh: Theres another way. We will find Sarah Fier! Maybe I was born wicked and strange. Stine novels is a reminder that nothing good ever happens at . She's possessed by the witch. The witchs curse is real!Kate: Fine. (Male or Female, Dramatic, Kids/Juniors 5-13) But when another Shadysider is possessed with the urge to kill, the fun in the sun becomes a Shadyside, 1978. I clouded her mind It was me It was me! Stine teen novel series of the same name - a more grown-up accompaniment to Goosebumps - this first installment has to set the scene for the entire trilogy while telling its own self-contained story and establishing the bona-fides of the era in which it's set. It was the witch. For one night, Cindy believed that there was a way to end it. Deena: [to Sam] Look, I know I always give you s**t for like pretending youre someone youre not, but its not really easy for me to, you know, be like us either. Theyll walk right by you. Josh: But, Deena?Deena: Yeah, Josh?Josh: If the killers were after us before, now that we know the truth, now we know about Goodes deal, what happens now? Something different is happening to us. Oh, its ruined now!Tommy Slater: You cursed again.Cindy Berman: You want me to murder you? Dead on the mall floor after a double shift, or maybe, maybe if youre really lucky, youre the one carrying the knife. Josh: Guys, I think theres someone in the woods! The child ends by imagining themselves grown up with a job in an office building and wondering if theyll ever feel safe. Solomon Goode: Please, do not make me hurt you! I confess I confess! Those were serial killers. He says the Goode family are not farmers. It was right there. But among locals, a history of horror has earned it another nickname, Killer Capital USA. samfraser. This monologue is a bedtime story saturated in fear, but finally ends in as the ultimate anti-joke. We all have our ways to deal with Shadyside. After Sam managed to cheat the killers with her temporary death, the movie showed someone in the basement of Sarah Fier's house performing the ritual for Sam's possession. I dont want to hurt No! When " Fear Street " writer-director Leigh Janiak recruited Christopher Allen Nelson as special makeup FX designer and department head for Netflix 's trilogy based on the R.L. But, she was profoundly aware of me. Solomon Goode: [to Sarah] Listen to me. JOIN NOW Watch the entire trilogy now 2.7K Takers Personality Quiz. If you dug the last one, 1978's adoration for the '70s and 80's horror classics hits all the . Are you mad?Sarah Fier: I dont fear the Devil. On a moonless night in August when the sea trout are ready to run, a man brings his new girlfriend to the remote family cabin where he has come for the fly-fishing since he was a boy. It doesnt matter. Vicky is suffering from a kind of post-traumatic stress syndrome. Cool. He made me feel like everything was going to be okay. I love her. Well, I didnt have a pig, so.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Carrie. These monologues all find characters confronting, recollecting, or becoming their own fears. Which I also wouldve done, if I knew there was a chance that Tommy f***ing Slater would ax my boyfriend in the f***ing head! Were going to die down here. What we all came here for? We found Sarah Fier. He has come to stake our land. Sheriff Nick Goode: Martin, around here, people show a little respect. You just go easy on me when youre my boss, huh? Access-restricted-item. No one else has gotten this far. Thats how she gained eternal life.Sarah Fier: Well, I heard she kept the company of the natives, and that she even fell in love with one. The Widow: [to Sarah] The veil has grown thin with the turn of the moon. Josh: [referring to C. Berman] Yeah, just like you. You know, maybe if you werent such a frigid b**ch.Sarah Fier: [she slaps Caleb] Theres your kiss. The red mule became a horned man. Where to Rent: Amazon ($3.15), Apple TV ($3.99), Vudu ($2.99) R.L. Carrie on. Hannah Miller: Dont you see? So dont blame me when you wake up in ten years just like your dad! I thought if I just put my head down, and followed the rules, everything would be fine, that Id get out of Shadyside. Were going to eat cheeseburgers and listen to the Pixies, and make out, and have the best night of our goddamn lives. And with it, the Morning Star rises. (Formerly located at r/fearstreet. Do you think itll wash out?Ziggy Berman: You might need to buy a new polo. My child, my dear Constance, and many others, are dead. C. Berman: Like I said, your best chance is to run from this place. And I fear in her absence, I have failed her. In fact the directior should be banned from doing horror movies. I love you, Sarah! Deena: We ended it. 1. She survived by dying. Both succumbing to the quick cash of drugs. I love this one.Customer: Its trash. To feast on our misdeeds. Stine is back with the first four books now in one thrilling package! Okay, well, maybe were going to die, but Kate is not nice. I f***ing found it. Cindy Berman: [referring to the names carved in stone] The Shadyside Killers.Alice: Yeah. Thats why she was exiled. Take what we all want? This isnt the same as the mall massacre. Dead killer chasing Would you say he was more Dawn of the Dead, or Night of the Living Dead?Samantha Fraser: Wait. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 already hinted that Sarah Fier has a living follower in the present day, who is helping her maintain her grip on Shadyside. Ziggy Berman: [to Nick] It was her. In Fear Street 1978, Cindy experiences quite the transformation over the course of the film, and it demands Rudd take the determination Cindy has at the start of the movie to get out of. After a series of brutal slayings, a teen and her friends take on an evil force that's plagued their notorious town for centuries. Judy Blume for me from now on.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Yeah, Judy Blume sounds perfect. I will never let you go. Theyre coming for me. The dude was wearing a Halloween skull mask! Stine was born on . Shes turning Shadysiders into killers.Kate: Do you really believe that? Nurse Mary Lane: [referring to her daughter, Ruby Lane] Ruby was such a sweet girl. See, you cant even say it! . You have sinned! Ziggy Berman: My nose, I bled on the hand, and I think I just saw her.Cindy Berman: Who?Ziggy Berman: Sarah Fier. You want this? Ive got eyes in the back of my head! So we kill you. Read more > TRILOGY TRAILERS FEAR STREET - A Film Trilogy Event - Official Trailer - Netflix FEAR STREET PART 1- 1994 - Official Trailer - Netflix FEAR STREET PART 2- 1978 - Official Trailer - Netflix FEAR STREET PART 3- 1666 - Official Trailer - Netflix STATS Maybe something happened to you, something that can help us stop her.C. This scene entitled Nightmares. In this scene, a child explains that they have had a very bad dream involving standing hundreds of feet in the air after a building has collapsed around them. Skull mask killer. Im going. And this whole fake bulls**t life of yours, its going to come crashing down.Cindy Berman: Thats a horrible thing to say.Ziggy Berman: Its not horrible if its true.Cindy Berman: I dont know who you are anymore, but youre not my sister.Ziggy Berman: Then who am I?Cindy Berman: A monster.Ziggy Berman: Thats what they say. Please. You may receive a verification email. It doesn't pull any punches, but it isn . Cindy Berman: Why would she do something like this?Sunnyvale Cop: She was nuts, just like her kid.Cindy Berman: Nurse Lane, she never seemed crazy.Sunnyvale Cop: Thats what she said about her kid, but sane people dont chop up their friends. Martin: [as one of the possessed killers walks by] Oh, my God. Joan: Now, Shadysiders, lets go out there and do our best. She is acutely anxious and is unable to lead what she describes as a normal life. Sarah Fier: I confess!Hannah Miller: No! Joan: Blue is for beautiful, if you live in Shadyside. School's out for summer and the activities at Camp Nightwing are about to begin. I saw it on the wall. For Mary, it was today. in. Samantha Fraser: [referring to C. Berman] Yeah, she survived, but first she died. Please! (Male, Dramatic, 20s 40s) Goosebumps. Baron has rounded up some great dramatic monologues for men to get you started. Local d**e slays girlfriend, friends, brother. THE STORY OF US ~ Fear Street 1978 by mj. What if I want to be the kid who likes spiders, and Stephen King, andZiggy Berman: And the weird girl from Shadyside?Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Yeah. The direction and cinematography were too weak. Ziggy Berman: [to Nick] Would you ever kiss the weird girl? Sarah Fier: You ought to rest some. | Fear Street by Pauline 54.9K 1.2K 24 What if Nick Goode has a secret daughter because of a mistaken hookup. Its been three centuries. Would be interested to see the writing across all three - thanks in advance! My whole future, my whole life in Shadyside. The scriptthis time written by Zak Olkewicz successfully fleshes out both Berman girls as complex characters, and, as a bonus . Cindy?Cindy Berman: I dont know.Ziggy Berman: Well, where is she? Be it a bump in the night, bullying, childhood fears, or a rogue gun man, no one is safe from their own mind when it comes to the terrors of imagination. And that ritual, the witch is real. Well I have, and I'm obsessed. Martin: [referring to the Discman] Look at this dumba** thing. Cindy Berman: [stabbing a possessedTommy] F*** you!Ziggy Berman: You swore!Cindy Berman: Its becoming a habit. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: I was thinking, that maybe once we get out of this, we could start a book club, or something. Me too! I see all the dark secrets in Union.Sarah Fier: You must be busy. I know it. Its camp, but looks like she drew all over it. In fact, she was so all in on the R-rated approach that even after trimming a sizable number of F-bombs from Fear Street: Part 2 - 1978's script, she still had plenty left over to keep the film . Fear Street Part 1: 1994 kicked things off with a tale of teens chased down by a string of undead serial killers, believed to be doing the bidding of a wicked witch. No. Deena: [as Sam has been possessed] Sams not feeling like herself. The killers go to the blood. Josh: None of this is random. If I die, she dies! You hear me?Joan: Yeah. He was funny and brave. I never want to see you again!Deena: Great. George Fier: There has always been a strangeness in you, Sarah. She was so sexy, but f***ing crazy still! We are the sister-subreddit to r/Goosebumps. It is red versus blue. Ive always been me. Deena: Who the hell was that?Simon: How the hell should I know? Elijah Goode: [as Sarah and Hannah are about to be hanged] The penalty for practicing witchcraft is death by hanging! Alright, you saw those names. And you have always been! Life sucks sometimes. Solomon Goode: One person every few years seems a small price to pay.Sarah Fier: One person? And I bewitched Hannah Miller. Bullets didnt stop her.Kate: Amazing observation. Fits the narrative, right? I actually felt emotions for the people involved this time. The Perfect Date. Maybe not tomorrow, but it will. The family maintains they had no knowledge of Sheriff Goodes horrifying secret.Josh: No knowledge? I. Well have a healthy crop yet. Its my fault. Is that so crazy? It was me! The burning. I dated sweet Tommy. Cindy Berman: What are you doing?Alice: Its called fun, Cindy Berman. psychoanalyzing you and telling you what issues you have. Deena: Why do you think our friends died? Because you, and we, are the way out. Stine books? The truth is you like Stephen King, and spiders, and the weird girl from Shadyside.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Alright, first of all, Stephen King is like super popular. This scene entitled Too Told to Learn. A child is speaking to a friend about learning how to swim for the first time. I get that. Run, far as you can, fast as you can! This monologue is not from a play; it is a standalone piece. Hannah Miller: I led the Devil here. Is the hand bone still there? Three hundred years its lived, grown. It will follow you for eternity. Or so we thought. The films arrive on . Thats like totally witchy behavior.Cindy Berman: Its just, there must be some explanation. A room without light. Would be interested to see the writing across all three - thanks in advance. Cindy Berman: [as theyre being axed and stabbed to death] Nothing will pull us apart.Ziggy Berman: Never again. The truth shall be your curse. By cutting off her cursed hand, she kept her grip upon our land. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 2021 | Maturity rating: 18 | 1h 47m | Teen Films After a series of brutal slayings, a teen and her friends take on an evil force that's plagued their notorious town for centuries. "Danny and the Deep Blue Sea" by John Patrick Shanley. At first, we learn to understand his brutality. Here is our list of the best quotes from Netflixs horror mystery Fear Street (2021) trilogy all directed by Leigh Janiak. Well, here it is. 7+. She put a curse on Shadyside. Ziggy Berman: Were all cursed. [he then cuts off her hand]. He took his wife to her after they lost their child, but it was too late. I'm sorry to interrupt, but what does that mean? So we have to kill him. She has two options; Sit back and watch as people lose their lives under her f. Completed. My brother! Old, and drunk, and going nowhere!Deena: Okay, first, go to hell. Hannah Miller: Youre completely mad.Sarah Fier: No, Im just not afraid with you. Young Officer Kapinski: Sheriff Nick Goodes got a good ring to it. The witch isnt real. Cindy Berman: [to Alice] And I knew then, I wasnt different from the other Shadysiders. Therefore, you should expect Fear Street Part 2: 1978 to begin . your own Pins on Pinterest It's been a tough, wild ride, but finally we know the truth behind the Shadyside Killers in Netflix's Fear Street. I will show them what youve done. Deena: Another Shadyside tragedy. The Fear Street series is renowned series of horror fiction, young adult, mystery, and children's books. They must extend their hand.' But right now, youve got to die. Sarah Fier: I think someone struck a deal with the Devil. Alice: The witch did this. Now, look at me. Wait, youre Ziggy? All together, Fear Street Part 1: 1994 has a soft-R nature. And yet you all smile, blind to the horrors around us. All this time, buried under the moss, and I found it. Youre f***ing next!Cindy Berman: No, no, no, no. Cindy Berman: Those names on the wall, they didnt stop with one murder. A night shift, a day shift, and a million empty beer cans, just like my dad. Josh: So, Deena is the target now, so the killers will go after Deenas blood, just like they did with Sam. But theyre dead. One way or another, youre going to die tonight.Tommy Slater: What are you talking about? I dont know! My God.Joan: [referring to Kurt] He might be dumb, but hes kind of shagadelic.Gary: Hes disgusting. Its just holding us down, cursing us.Cindy Berman: Ziggy, thats enough.Ziggy Berman: Youre too scared to admit it. Ive been a bad friend. Youve been in your bed like all day! Sarah Fier: Now we are tormented, and the pastor is sick, and I feel half mad, and now I wonder if perhaps something is wrong with me.Solomon Goode: Sarah.Sarah Fier: And always has been, Solomon. He calls to you from it. Is that a real thing, boss? She- I was just walking- I wasn't even looking at her! Do you think, did we cause it? and our Nurse Mary Lane: Im sorry. But I cant save you. Fear Street (Hardcover) The Dead Boyfriend. He blocks our well, clogs it with our sin. But thats the story this department will go with, unless you can help me to see it differently. Hannah Miller: [referring to her mother] She suspects us, Sarah. But once they see another, much younger child, jump in the water, they change their mind and consider the possibility of learning to swim. This is all proof. Well, they will see. Simon: Shes mad because we disturbed her grave, right?Deena: Yeah. Awakening this power from the depths of the Earth. Confess your sins, or burn in eternal hell. Real Sarah Fier: The truth will come out. Off to claim my place among the stars, b**ch. R.L. Speculation! Caleb: It was some nights back when the full moon had risen just beside the sun. I loved that gross, high little s**t. Ziggy Berman: I cant just sit here! Deena: And the Goodes do it over and over, again and again. This was July 12th. Kate: No wonder the witch is pi**ed at us. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And I wish to God that it never happened, but we found it. No one gets out of this town, not even Miss Perfect. This one was infinitely better than the first with much better acting. She wanted to be a singer. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 is a perfectly fine throwback slasher horror movie, but is weighed down by setting up the rest of Netflix's trilogy. Welcome to Shadyside. I was not alive before now anyway. The Devil has come and cast his darkness over us. And shes doing some f***ing spell s**t and possessing people. Sheriff, what can you tell us? But being the heir apparent isnt always easy either. Who else knows about this?Sarah Fier: No one. Deena: There are people trying to kill us. We stopped the killers.C. My door is always open to you. Bet on your way out you get run over by a bus. Kris Kringle (Richard Attenborough) is confronting Dorey Walker (Elizabeth Perkins) on her belief, or rather her disbelief, in Santa Claus. Josh: 1666, Sarah Fier was hanged for witchcraft, fact. Netflix's 'Fear Street Part 2: 1978': Film Review. You are now subscribed to our More Good Stuff maling list. A good monologue for an actor exploring dramatic story-telling with an internal struggle. Alice: If you have to kill him, could you?Cindy Berman: Earlier, when Mary attacked, I just, I froze. And, second, I cant like the weird girl.Ziggy Berman: Why not?Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Because Im a counselor. If you want to hear more than one album, you got to carry all that too. Its just another day in the CliffsNotes Library (more books, less filling!) As the "Fear Street" trilogy wraps up its run with one final entry "Fear Street Part 3: 1666," which hit Netflix in the wee hours of Friday morning filmmaker Leigh Janiak still has . Youre not safe. Were on our own. Heather: [First lines] It began as a prank and ended in murder. You cant stop her. ThenSimon: Smile, you son of a b**ch! Your registration has been updated. And no one believed me.Deena: And Nick? She wrote it in blood, and the result is extraordinary. But thank you, truly.Sarah Fier: Of course. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Ziggy, I know Ive let a lot of people die tonight. What if that psycho shows up again?Deena: Then well be ready. Look, some guy went crazy and killed a bunch of people at the mall last night.Deena: Holy s**t.Josh: It was all over the news. The Overnight. But its all bulls**t. Okay, just because were weird, and smart, and different doesnt mean they can feed us through their meat grinder. | Part. Someone who refuses to settle for the rules of these dogmatists, who seeks more from the world. Shadows fall on us all now and then. Hes going to go right by. She wasnt a witch! And you are. She is. Alice: Blood will fall. Satans stone, okay? Step 1: Select the amount you would like to purchase: Step 2: Send a customized personal message. However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. Missing. Solomon, I swear it it wasnt me!Solomon Goode: Sarah, I believe you. In this fast moving kaleidoscope of a play, more than a hundred characters try to make sense of what they know. The makers should have done way better with this story. Not anymore. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. The summer of 1978. He senses you now. Berman: Hold fast. Alice: So what, like the witch made this f***ing place?Cindy Berman: Or the settlers claimed she did. C. Berman: I thought he was different. Was she singing a song, like an oldie song?Simon: Jesus, Rain Man. Cindy Berman: [holding up the hand] What do you want, Sarah Fier? There must be some explanation.Alice: Oh, my God. But you know the doctor said I cant have any of whatever that is.Deena: Are you serious? It is good versus evil. Josh: It happens in Shadyside over and over. Cindy Berman: S**t! Shadyside is drab and dejected, full of cynical kids who work hard and play harder. The trilogy of films took us from 1994, back to 1978 and finally 1666, exploring . Real Sarah Fier: The truth shall be your curse. It was after, well, you know when. Sam, Deena's ex-girlfriend, moves to Sunnyvale to escape both the blood-spilled reputation of Shadyside and her closeted identity. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 is a film rich with character, world-building, Easter eggs, and scares. I will shadow you for eternity. A guy, whos been supporting his family alone since he was fifteen. Sarah Fier: When this is over, we will leave this place. So no one else knows where she is.Lizzie, Abigail, Hannah, Isaac: Except us. I avoided you, but I couldnt avoid Ziggy. Everywhere is ignorance! 1. Seven, nine, ten, fifteen people. Lizzie: Shes not just an old lady. Fear Street Part One: 1994, 2021. He becomes Sheriff.