Dogs are really useful on a farm. It gets cold here in the winters and hot here in the summers. This portable predator proof chicken coop DIY is low-cost and easy to make for just about anyone. Consider adding these features to predator-proof your chicken coop. At MOTHER EARTH NEWS for 50 years and counting, we are dedicated to conserving our planet's natural resources while helping you conserve your financial resources. When they grow to be too large, our hens would pace the perimeter searching for the smallest breach in the fence so they could scoot underneath and find freedom. Photo by Kimberlee Bastien. We designed the first portable chicken coop using green pipes with the idea that urban and suburban folks may want to make their coop as unobtrusive and attractive as possible. Use pressure treated wood. For others these might include large cats and bears too. Safe and sound! If you wish to construct a moat yourself, I offer the following suggestions: So there it is. This portable predator proof chicken coop DIY is low-cost and easy to make for just about anyone. Watch Now: How to Truss a chicken Article Sources This added security will prevent raccoons from ripping the staples out. This new and improved incarnation of the portable chicken coop is designed for three to four chickens, and anybody can build it. Whether you already live on a homestead, are transitioning onto one, or are only thinking about it, 52 Homestead Skills will help turn your dreams into a life worth living. Their natural desire is to protect their ladies. Chicken wire doesnt last nearly as long as more sturdy options. If you place a fertilization station around a tree for a few days, your chickens will remove any vegetation from around the base, eat pests, and deposit a healthy dose of manure. Both coops use the durable corrugated plastic to provide shelter for the chickens. These are often constructed by digging a trench down 12 around the entire perimeter of your chicken run and burying the hardware cloth beneath the ground. These large chicken tractor plans are perfect for raising broiler chickens. How to Predator Proof the Chicken Run - Tilly's Nest Keep your feed under lock and key! Using a plastic storage container as a baby chick brooder, CHOPPED GARLIC ADDED TO FEED - BEST CURE FOR MITES/LICE, Geese raising goslings on their own and viability, Quail chicks. It helps to keep the chicken run cooler in the summer. All in all, its a clever solution to the fowl raisers dilemma of whether to fence the birds or the garden: Fence both! Thank you Pasindu! Hardware cloth is more secure and has the durability to withstand a hungry predator. Rustic Gingerbread Barn Template and Recipe. The completed rectangular coop kit costs around $300 less than the hooped coop, because it uses less expensive white plastic pipe, but it requires slightly more welded wire mesh. It's sturdy and not easily ripped open, unlike chicken wire which is not predator-proof and better left for the craft cabinet. Predators seek out chickens in a number of ways. Fowl Stuff is a Michigan company that has designed an injection-molded cover that adapts 3- and 5-gallon pails for use as nesting boxes. Chicken tunnels for the garden or outdoor area have become a trend among chickeneers, especially in urban settings. To anyone thinking of getting one of those cute little coops. This coop is so secure that you dont need to lock the birds in the shelter at night. Make sure you can get into the moat (with a stepladder or extra gate) for needed maintenance. It seems that everything wants to eat chickens: neighborhood dogs, raccoons, foxes, weasels, and even chicken hawks. Deer can easily clear a single tall fence, but they cant find enough room in the six-foot-wide moat to gather themselves for a second leap. Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop? Just like with the eggs sitting in the coop overnight, food scraps could work as a predator attractant. All were shrink-wrapped. You will need to provide the welded wire mesh and other materials. Predators are constantly finding new ways to get to their prey, so it is important to have multiple layers of protection. 24 Features on a Predator-Proof Chicken Coop Either way, youll have a blast building them. Chickens love to eat insects and will reduce the number of harmful insects that invade your garden. Beyond the usual chicken husbandry and health information, the book also includes great tips on how to put your flock to work to build soil fertility, plus information on how to draft and pass local laws to permit laying hens. In white, it comes in 8-foot-wide rolls and costs about $10 per foot. Some people have commented they thought theyd have to choose between their chickens or their garden but this solution accommodates both! Put your chickens safely out to pasture with this chicken tractor DIY project. First Home Eggs Adopt-an-Egg Hatch a Long. Many chicken keepers have dirt floors in their chicken coops, which we cant recommend. I may also earn a commission when you buy through other links on my site. Building your own coop out of quality wood materials is the best way to ensure your coop is predator-proof. Although this design is predator-proof, it's not permanent. It scares them and makes them stay away from your yard. To raise chickens, you don't need a lot of money or land. Prevent climbing predators from accessing the chicken run from the top. Chicken wire is more for keeping your chickens in than keeping predators out. However, when faced with that classic country conundrum, Do I fence the garden or the chickens? I decided to make a modern adaptation of that medieval practice. Shipping and taxes calculated at checkout. Can they kill a chicken or chicks, introduce disease, or even steal my flock? If you opt for enjoying the benefits of free-range chickens, youll need to provide them with cover. Coop & Run - Design, Construction, & Maintenance. With the help of another person, roll out the wire mesh over the boards, stapling it even with the outside edge of the boards as you go. The chunnel can be as long as you want, but youll have to attach it to a wooden base, so its easiest to match it to a common length of lumber. These are often constructed by digging a trench down 12 around the entire perimeter of your chicken run and burying the hardware cloth beneath the ground. Each coop needs about 31 linear feet of 36-inch-wide, 1-by-2-inch welded wire mesh to cover the sides and top of the coop, as well as a 10-foot piece of 48-inch-wide, 2-by-4-inch welded wire mesh for the bottom. Lastly, you get to sit and watch them roam and run through the tunnels. This portable unit costs about $370 and weighs less than 50 pounds with all of the mesh and fittings included. Hardware cloth (the finer mesh the better) is more expensive but much more of a deterrent. Chickens have a natural instinct to sleep off the ground and by giving them a roost inside they will feel secure and want to go into the coop at night. For some chicken keepers/gardeners, this can be an excellent solution a win win for both the flock and the garden. Homemade biodiesel helps you speed past the gas station toward fuel independence. If youre interested in knowing how to use the chicken manure from your coop into the garden, check out our article, Best Manure For The Vegetable Garden. Between the chicken tunnel and manure, youll have an incredible growing space! Not only will they take out your whole flock, but they can wreak havoc on your coop itself. Order from the GRIT Store or by calling 800-234-3368. Build your gates strong and tighttheyre the weak links in the system. You can also order directly through the website. Then, screw the 1-by-3 boards into the end caps. Install the remaining 4-inch 1-by-3 boards about 3/8 inch in from the previous eight pieces, creating slots to sandwich the mesh in place. To have a predator-proof chicken tunnel, youll need wiring that is designed to protect your chickens. The rectangular coop kit is less expensive because it doesn't use pre-bent hoops, and because the white pipe is less costly. It's a great idea for your coop to have windows because in the winter the chickens will spend most of their time in there, the light and view of the outdoors will help a lot. With a dog outside with your hens, nothing will dare approach. What kind of fencing? Make sure to pay close attention to the corners where you attach the seams of the fencing material together. Because we sometimes house our chickens in the chunnel overnight, we decided to cut some old wire shelving we had on hand and stick it in the ground along the edges of the chicken tunnel to prevent predators from digging underneath. Nothing other than insects can penetrate this wire! A chicken tunnel, also known as a chunnel, is an extension of the chicken coop/run. Chicken tunnels for the garden can be simple or elaborate. This will make it impossible for predators to access the inside of the coop through windows and vents. How do you make chicken tunnels? For some reason, predators love to start digging in the corners. Chickeneers put their thinking caps on and come up with some unique ways to incorporate chunnels in a backyard, around a garden, up and over existing chunnels, and even underground passes. Smooth out the temperature range in your greenhouse by adopting one of these strategies for heating greenhouses. It has been a challenge. Predator Guard introduces a pair of flashing red lights that animals assume is a set of eyes. buy a bunch of 1/2x1/4 hardware cloth, AKA cage wire. Installing 1-by-3 boards around the perimeter of the fertilization station roof will create slots for holding the wire-mesh walls in place and also allow you to lock the roof down to prevent predators from lifting it. These two openings will allow you to provide your chickens with food and water. Some raccoons will just rip open chicken wire and enter at will. That's why we want you to save money and trees by subscribing through our earth-friendly automatic renewal savings plan. I helped care for about 80 chickens in TN, but now live in CO. Can you imagine having to try to figure out what to do with that? A drop-down door on the coop end can be opened to let the chickens out, and offers nest box access. When used with poultry, the hoop coop is designed to be predator-proof, allowing birds access to pasture without worrying about flock loss. The birds shelter in an enclosure at one end made of the same durable yet easy-to-work corrugated plastic that the postal service uses in its mail tubs, and a cleverly fitted 5-gallon pail with a special cover serves as a nest box. STARTER COOPS: FOR YOUR CHICKENS' FIRST HOME, CHICKEN COOPS: 45 BUILDING PLANS FOR HOUSING YOUR FLOCK. Raising the chicken coop off the ground will help the wood to last longer. Photo by Ben Burghart. Choose two-step locks or ones that require the use of opposable thumbs to get open. They say, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and I think this is definitely one area where you dont want to skimp! Growers Supply also offers 4-by-8-foot sheets of 8-millimeter material, which is slightly less flexible. It may not display this or other websites correctly. That's why we want you to save money and trees by subscribing through our earth-friendly automatic renewal savings plan. Find the center, and, using a 4-foot piece of string as a guide, scribe an 8-foot-wide circle on the boards. In 2007, Long presented another coop idea in Portable Chicken Mini-Coop Plan. Lay them parallel to one another 4 feet apart. Now, youre ready to assemble the fertilization station. It, too, is so light that anyone can move it easily, and is big enough for four birds. Need help with predator proofing - BackYard Chickens To prevent predators from reaching in and grabbing your chickens while they are in the chunnels, we recommend using a. . Adding a roof the run has many benefits. We dont mow, ever. When you build your chicken coop, be sure that you keep it elevated off the ground. Predator proofing the coop Your coop should be made of strong, sturdy materials that cannot be penetrated by digging paws and gnashing teeth. Chunnels provide chickens a way to free-range within a controlled environment. Free 4x4x8 Chicken Coop And Run Plan For Four Chickens, FREE Chicken Coop Plan With Planter Box For Two Chickens, FREE 620 Chicken Coop Plan For Up To 15 Chickens, Free Chicken Coop Plan For Three Chickens, FREE Chicken Coop Plan for Two to Four Chickens, FREE 48 Chicken Coop Plan For 10 Chickens PDF (low design), FREE Chicken Coop Plan For 6 Chickens (or more! But those same trees, bushes, and grasses that serve as a cover for free-range chickenscan also hide ground predators. A solid floor will keep any burrowing invaders like rats or raccoons from getting in. Thats half the fun of raising chickens) make sure you clean up any scraps they leave behind. You have to evaluate your biggest predator risks to determine which is best for your situation. When it comes to chicken coops, one of the most important things you can do to protect your flock is to make sure it is predator-proof. Visit the homestead skills page to learn more about this series. All of Omlet's chicken coops and runs come with features designed to prevent predators from getting in. You must have a safe, predator-proof chicken coop. Alternately, you can bury a predator apron just below the surface of the soil, parallel to ground level. Hey all, I'm rather new to chickens, I have 16 between the ages of 4 and 8 weeks. Follow when to start seeds indoors, zone 6 tips, and a calendar for your successful indoor seed starting. Well, the simplest way is using one of the four shapes to form the framework. Theyre always on the lookout and will set off an alarm call that sends the rest of the flock running for cover. Predator Proofing the Chicken Run-installing hardware cloth over entire run-burying hardware cloth 1ft deep and 2ft wide outside of Coop and Run- Triple latc. Take a look at these considerations for building a sauna for your own home including heaters, location, size, and interior. Minks, mice, rats and snakes can squeeze through chicken wire and fisher cats are strong enough to pull the wire apart and gain access. A clean coop will help discourage rodents and other pests from taking up residence. Bury hardware cloth 12 inches down all around the coop to protect from rodents and other burrowing animals. Photo by Kimberlee Bastien. Map the route for your chicken tunnel while taking into consideration the specifications of your back yard. The most common livestock guardian dog breeds are Great Pyrenees.