COVID-19 Retaliation Claims - A 2020 Trend in Employment Litigation Respondents cooperated fully with the Commissions investigation. Recent amendments to the whistleblower programs rules also require individuals to report information about possible securities laws violations to the Commission in writing before experiencing retaliation to qualify for the retaliation protection under Section 21F. As EEOC works to address this issue, you can help. Pending Cases Currently Under Investigation at Elementary - ed 3-17786 (January 17, 2017), In the Matter of NeuStar, Inc., File No. Basis. New York City Management, LLC and Besen & Associates Pay $40,000 in Damages for Refusing Section 8 Voucher Holder, Changes Policies and Agrees to Training A prospective tenant who received rental assistance through Section 8 filed a complaint alleging that a broker would not allow her to apply for an apartment because of her rental voucher. OMG also agreed to extensive affirmative relief, including revising its anti-discrimination policies; conducting anti-discrimination training; creating an internal means for employees to report harassment, discrimination, and retaliation; and submitting to Commission monitoring of complaints of gender-based harassment, discrimination, and retaliation for five years. Respondent NYC Parks agreed to pay $25,000 in emotional distress damages and to pre-certify her to be hired for the next available NYC Parks job for which she qualifies in one of two boroughs. Wrongful Termination Lawyer Orange County | Employment Law Firm He was dissuaded from applying for the job due to his credit history, and filed a complaint with the Law Enforcement Bureau. Dolphin Fitness Agrees to Change Policies to Allow Transgender Patrons to Use Proper FacilitiesAfter receiving credible information that Dolphin Fitness, a Bronx gym, said that transgender people could not use the facilities that accorded with their gender identities unless they had surgery, the Commission sent a cease and desist letter and ultimately came to an agreement with Strong Pelham Fitness, Inc. (SPF), the gyms owner, which also owns and operates another Dolphin Fitness in Brooklyn. The parties entered into a conciliation agreement in which Respondents paid Complainant $59,500 in full back pay and $10,000 in emotional distress damages; Respondent HSBC paid $30,000 in civil penalties to the City of New York; updated their discrimination policies to comply with the NYC Human Rights Law; posted the Commissions Notice of Rights, Stop Sexual Harassment Act Notice, and Pregnancy Discrimination Notice; and trained all supervisory/managerial employees with hiring responsibilities on NYC Human Rights Law. $395,000 Lawyers obtained more than $395,000 in a lawsuit alleging retaliation for whistleblowing. Complainant responded that he was engaged. EEOC RETALIATION LAWSUIT- $165,000 Settlement November 2, 2020 Chicago District Office 230 S. Dearborn St. Suite 2920 Chicago, IL 60604 CONTACT: Elizabeth Banaszak, Trial Attorney. An Iowa jury recently awarded $80.2 million in punitive damages and $527,872 in compensatory damages to a manager who claimed she was discriminated against because of her sex and retaliated against when she complained of the discrimination. In addition to protecting whistleblowers who have reported possible securities law violations from retaliation, Commission Rule 21F-17 (a) prohibits any person from taking any action to prevent you from contacting the SEC directly to report a possible securities law violation. The broker respondents collectively agreed to pay $3,500 to Complainant in emotional distress damages and another $3,500 as a civil penalty, and the landlord respondents agreed to pay Complainant $3,000 in emotional distress damages. Following the Law Enforcement Bureaus investigation, the Commission, Complainant, and Prada entered into a conciliation agreement requiring Prada to ensure that its New York City employees and certain Milan-based executives receive racial equity training and training on the New York City Human Rights Law; develop a scholarship program for people historically underrepresented in fashion; appoint a senior, director-level diversity and inclusion officer who will review Pradas advertising and products sold in the United States, as well as review and monitor Pradas anti-discrimination policies; maintain Pradas Diversity and Inclusion Council, launched by Prada in February of 2019, with a minimum of three to five members for a period of at least six years, with regular reporting by Prada on the councils progress to the Commission; and commit to increasing the diversity of its staff; and submit to two years of monitoring by the Commission. The department also announced the April 28, 2020 settlement of the Title VII claims brought in its lawsuit on behalf of Houston firefighter Paula Keyes. All About Family and Medical Leave Act Retaliation Claims Pax Assist, LLC Pays $17,500 in Civil Penalties and Emotional Distress Damages to Settle Claims of Religious Discrimination; Agrees to Train All Employees, Revise Policies, and Agrees to Two Years of Monitoring By the CommissionThe Commission filed both a Commission-initiated complaint and a public complaint against Pax Assist after it discovered that managers had discriminated against the companys Muslim employees when they asked that their breaks coordinate with fasting times during the month of Ramadan. Through its investigation, the Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau discovered evidence to support Complainants allegations. Examples include: Termination, suspension, transfer or demotion. MMPS of New York Settles Pregnancy Discrimination Case for $40,000 in Damages and Penalties and Affirmative ReliefMMPS of New York, a medical clinic, agreed to settle a case where a pregnant employee was not provided accommodations and was ultimately terminated because of her pregnancy. Blog. To understand if the anti-retaliation protections may apply to you, we encourage you to consult with an attorney. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. NYC Department of Correction Agrees To Pay $6,000 and Put Up Postings to Settle Former Employees Race and Marital Status Discrimination ClaimComplainant, an investigator for the NYC Department of Corrections, alleged that during an interview for a specialized unit a supervisor asked about his marital status and stated that members of Complainants race never made it on to Respondents team. Pending Cases Currently Under Investigation at Elementary-Secondary and Post-Secondary Schools as of January 27, 2023 7:30am Search. All Respondents agreed to attend training on the NYC Human Rights Law, and Mulberry and Alpha also agreed to update their policies and put up Commission notices to educate tenants and workers about fair housing, disability rights, and the NYC Human Rights Law. Only the SEC, however, may file an enforcement action for a violation of Rule 21F-17(a). "Subjecting a law enforcement officer to egregious racial slurs and epithets, then retaliating against him and others who supported him for reporting . Broker Pays Damages for Discriminating Against a Complainants Lawful Source of IncomeA small broker, Vanguard Residential LLC, discriminated against a Complainant because she was seeking to use a housing voucher while applying for apartments. The Federal Savings Bank Pays $320,000 To Resolve Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Claims and Agrees to Affirmative Relief and Ongoing MonitoringA former employee filed gender-based harassment and retaliation claims against her employer, The Federal Savings Bank (FSB), and FSBs former CEO Stephen Calk, alleging claims of sexual harassment and retaliation by terminating her employment after she complained. To understand how this may affect you, we encourage you to consult with an attorney. Landlord Agrees To Settle Commission-Initiated Disability Discrimination Case for Civil Penalties, Installation of Ramps, Affirmative ReliefThe Law Enforcement Bureau initiated an investigation after it received multiple complaints from building residents of 8750 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, about the need for external and internal ramps, and agents of the landlord refused to construct those ramps. Landlord and Broker Settle Source of Income Discrimination Case for $21,000 and Affirmative Relief, Including Set-Aside of Apartments for Voucher HoldersBased on paired testing by the Fair Housing Justice Center contracted by the Commission, the Commission filed a Commission-initiated complaint against Ginesteri Equities and Giovanni Ginestri, a landlord, and Signature Spaces, a broker, alleging source of income discrimination. As part of the conciliation, Respondents agreed to pay Complainant $6,000 in emotional distress damages and post the Commission's Notice of Rights poster. To settle the case, Respondents Mulberry and Alpha each paid a civil penalty of $1,000 to the City of New York, and Respondent Alpha also paid $2,000 to the Complainant for emotional distress. 3-17586 (September 28, 2016), In the Matter of Health Net, Inc., File No. LabCorp also posted the Commissions Notice of Rights posters at its Patient Service Centers in New York City and paid the Complainant $1,000 in emotional distress damages. All Rights Reserved. With the passage of Dodd-Frank, Congress amended the Exchange Act to add Section 21F, which established a series of new incentives and protections for individuals to report possible violations of the federal securities laws, including enhanced employment retaliation protections. HSBC and Geneva Consulting Firm Agree to Pay $99,500 in Damages and Penalties in Race Discrimination and Retaliation CaseComplainant, a white man married to a Black woman, alleged that Respondents subjected him to a hostile work environment when Respondents failed to address his complaint about his co-workers racist comments against Black people, and retaliated against him by terminating his employment the day following his complaint. A suit that involves such retaliation would seek damages for the mental and emotional trauma caused to the person being made fun of. Respondent Dalton also agreed to ensure its policies regarding tenant screening and reasonable accommodations are in compliance with the NYC Human Rights Law, to provide training to its employees, and to display postings outlining its obligations under the NYC Human Rights Law. Respondents Pay $15,000 in Emotional Distress Damages and Agree to Bring Complainants Account Balance to Zero in Source of Income Discrimination CaseComplainant, a Section 8 recipient, filed a Complainant alleging that her landlord refused to allow her to begin using her Section 8 voucher after she became eligible for the voucher during her tenancy. The Commission's investigation revealed that Respondent's application was only distributed to a small subset of applicants. Co-op With a No Dog Policy Pays $27,000, Agrees To Create a Reasonable Accommodation Policy, Display Postings and TrainingsComplainant was denied her emotional support animal by her co-op board for more than a year despite presenting them with supporting medical documentation. Heres Why You Need an Attorney. During the first month of 2020, EEOC has settled nineteen discrimination lawsuits. The landlord and management, Moshe Piller, 8750 Bay Parkway, LLC, and MP Management, LLC, then constructed internal and external ramps, compliant with the American National Standards Institute code. The investigation found that the restaurant owner made one Complainant show the medical device affixed to her body in public and after doing so, denied Complainants service on the basis of one Complainants disability and her service animal. This can include instances where a person feels they were fired unfairly or that they have experienced a negative influence on the way they have been treated. The Commission, the Complainant and Respondent entered into an agreement for Respondent to pay the complainant $15,000 in emotional distress and a civil penalty of $10,000. Harassment, Forced to Quit. The Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau conducted an investigation and found evidence that Complainant's supervisor made inappropriate and illegal comments based on stereotypes, including telling Complainant, "It is very selfish of you to have all these children you cannot take care of," "You should use birth control," and, "When are you going to stop having babies?" All Respondents agreed to also post the Commissions Notice of Rights and Source of Income discrimination posters in their building(s) or office, revise policies, and attend training on their obligations under the NYC Human Rights Law. | Office of the Whistleblower Restaurant Pays Damages in Private Settlement for Sexual Orientation Workplace HarassmentComplainant, a server at a large Manhattan restaurant with a single location, alleged that he was harassed by coworkers and improperly terminated because of his sexual orientation, in violation of the New York City Human Rights Law. If you are looking to file a lawsuit, you must first know whether your . The Commission has the authority to assess fines and obtain monetary damages for those aggrieved by violations of the New York CityHuman Rights Law. On February 21, 2018, the United States Supreme Court issued an opinion in Digital Realty Trust, Inc. v. Somers stating that the Dodd-Frank anti-retaliation provisions only extend to those persons who provide information relating to a violation of the securities laws to the SEC. Complainant then informed MSKCC that, due to her ongoing recovery, she would need to continue working part-time and was willing to work in other departments that had part-time positions available. Verdicts & Settlements - Employment Law Information Network Newsbar Caf Settles Disability, Service Animal Case for $5,000, 40 Hours of Community Service A patron filed a complaint against EK of New York, Inc., d/b/a Newsbar Caf, alleging that she was denied services because of her service animal. 3-21294 (Feb. 3, 2023), In the Matter of The Brink's Company, File No. As has been the case in past months, most of the settlements involved charges of disability discrimination (6) and sexual harassment, or sexual harassment and retaliation (5). In the Matter of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp., Activision Blizzard to Pay $35 Million for Failing to Maintain Disclosure Controls Related to Complaints of Workplace Misconduct and Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule, SEC Charges the Brink's Company with Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule, SEC Charges Co-Founder of Technology Company for Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule, SEC Charges Broker-Dealer for Violating Whistleblower Protection Rule, SEC Charges Investment Adviser and Others With Defrauding Over 17,000 Retail Investors, SEC Charges Issuer and CEO with Violating Whistleblower Protection Laws to Silence Investor Complaints, Connecticut Broker and Investment Adviser Convicted On 21 Counts of Fraud and Money Laundering, Financial Company Charged with Improper Accounting and Impeding Whistleblowers, Company Settles Charges in Whistleblower Retaliation Case, Company Violated Rule Aimed at Protecting Potential Whistleblowers, Risk Alert: Examining Whistleblower Rule Compliance, SEC: Casino-Gaming Company Retaliated Against Whistleblower, SEC Charges Anheuser-Busch InBev With Violating FCPA and Whistleblower Protection Laws, Company Punished for Severance Agreements That Removed Financial Incentives for Whistleblowing, Company Paying Penalty for Violating Key Whistleblower Protection Rule, Merrill Lynch to Pay $415 Million for Misusing Customer Cash and Putting Customer Securities at Risk, SEC Announces Award to Whistleblower in First Retaliation Case, SEC: Companies Cannot Stifle Whistleblowers in Confidentiality Agreements, SEC Charges Hedge Fund Adviser With Conducting Conflicted Transactions and Retaliating Against Whistleblower, Statement on Court Filing by SEC to Protect Whistleblowers From Retaliation, Providing information to the SEC under the whistleblower program, or, Initiating, testifying in, or assisting the SEC in any investigation or proceeding. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Read Gay City News coverage of the case here. Complainant, a transgender man, was traveling through Terminal B at LaGuardia Airport and attempted to use the mens bathroom when a janitor stopped Complainant and directed Complainant to the family bathroom. 27 Sports Bar and Caf Settles Pregnancy Discrimination Case for $6,000 in Emotional Distress DamagesComplainant was turned away at the door when she attempted to enter 27 Sports Bar and Caf because she was visibly pregnant. In addition to protecting whistleblowers who have reported possible securities law violations from retaliation, Commission Rule 21F-17(a) prohibits any person from taking any action to prevent you from contacting the SEC directly to report a possible securities law violation. LabCorp Settles Disability Case, Pays $1,000 and Changes Policies and Procedures to Accommodate Blind and Low Vision PatronsA low vision patient requested assistance from a LabCorp employee to use a self-check-in electronic device at a LabCorp Patient Service Center. Once the resolution announced today involving Draycott's claims is entered by the court, all Title VII claims brought by the United States in its lawsuit will be resolved. The SEC has brought a number of actions based on both retaliatory conduct as well as actions taken to impede reporting. The Law Enforcement Bureaus investigation confirmed that Respondent failed to conduct a complete analysis of the Article 23-A factors under the New York State Corrections Law. In addition, Pinnacle Management agreed to set aside four apartments in their portfolio for applicants with housing subsidies or vouchers and update their policies in accordance with the source of income provisions of the NYC Human Rights Law. Respondents agreed to pay $3,600 in backpay, $6,400 in emotional distress damages, $5,000 in civil penalties to the general fund of the City of New York and to conduct anti-discrimination training, create a reasonable accommodation policy that places an obligation on Respondent to initiate a cooperative dialogue in accordance with the requirements of the New York City Human Rights Law, submit to monitoring for one year, and post the Commissions notice of rights in their office. While Complainant was working, he was classified as an independent contractor in both Respondents HR systems. Due to Respondents demonstrating financial hardship after being forced to close because of the COVID-19 pandemic, civil penalties were waived. Despite the sign, Complainant alleged that an employee of Respondent C-Town told Complainant that there were no positions available. The Complainants were paid $3,000 dollars in emotional distress damages, and the landlord agreed to post the Commission's Notice of Rights and "Fair Housing, It's the Law" poster, and attend the Commission's "Know Your Obligations" training. Race, Disability, Retaliation. While the federal government has focused on settlement and arbitration agreements, state governments have attempted a variety of techniques to address sexual harassment. Following the incident, the patient filed a complaint against LabCorp for failing to accommodate his disability during his visit. Commission-Initiated Case Settles Against Landlord-Respondent Who Denied Voucher Holder for $7,500 and Set-Aside ApartmentsAfter testing revealed discrimination based on an applicants use of a rental assistance voucher, the Commission initiated and settled a case with 220 72nd Street Realty Corp. InDinero, Inc. agreed to pay $11,666.67 in back pay, $18,333.33 in attorneys fees, $25,000 in emotional distress damages, and $10,000 in civil penalties, and to revise their hiring policies and practices. Respondent claimed that other job options were very limited, and that Complainant never recovered from her injuries sufficiently to perform the essential functions of any job. The YMCA of Greater New York Updates Health Care Plans to Include Gender-Affirming CareThe Commission launched an investigation into the YMCA of Greater New York (YNY) after receiving a tip that the organizations self-insured health care plans excluded gender-affirming care, possibly discriminating against transgender and gender non-conforming employees in violation of the NYC Human Right Law. The anti-retaliation protections generally apply to employees who report information regarding possible violations of the federal securities laws. The Respondents agreed to pay $25,000 in civil penalties, attend an anti-discrimination training, create a reasonable accommodation policy for the New York City-based buildings in its portfolio, submit to monitoring for one year, and post the Commissions anti-discrimination notices throughout the buildings in its portfolio. After an investigation, the Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau issued a probable cause finding. OSHA News Releases - Whistleblower | Occupational Safety and Health NYC Fire Services and Guards LLC Pays $12,500 in Damages and Civil Penalties for Subjecting Applicants to Questions Which Violated the Fair Chance ActA job applicant filed a complaint against of discrimination against NYC Fire Services and Guards LLC alleging that Respondents unlawfully inquired into his criminal history prior to a conditional offer of employment and improperly denied him employment on the basis of his criminal history. Colony East 5th Realty LLC Pays $39,000, and Installs Ramp To Settle Disability Discrimination ComplaintComplainant alleged that her landlord, Colony East 5th Realty LLC, failed to accommodate her disability by failing to construct a ramp at her apartment buildings main entrance. Respondent agreed to pay Complainant $12,500 in emotional distress damages, to modify its employee policies to better comply with the NYC Human Rights Law, and to train its managers on the NYC Human Rights Law. Property Management Company Firstservice Residential and Housing Provider K&T Realty Associates LLC Pay $16,500 in Damages and Penalties in Citizenship Status Discrimination CaseComplainant filed a complaint alleging that Respondents required her to provide a double security deposit due to her citizenship status, as a non-US citizen. Uptown Dance Academy Agrees To Revise Hair Policy to Allow BraidsAfter receiving reports that Uptown Dance Academy was not allowing its students to perform with braided hair, the Commission sent a cease and desist letter and ultimately came to an agreement with the Academy. Respondents agreed to pay $3,600 in backpay, $6,400 in emotional distress damages, $5,000 as a civil penalty and to conduct anti-discrimination training, create a reasonable accommodation policy that places an obligation on Respondents to initiate a cooperative dialogue in accordance with the requirements of the New York City Human Rights Law, submit to monitoring for one year, and post the Commissions notice of rights in their branch office. Additionally, a representative from Respondents board of directors will attend a training on the NYC Human Rights Law. You may also be able to file a retaliation complaint in federal court under Section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). Through the parties conciliation, Respondents agreed to pay Complainant $80,000 in back pay and $20,000 in emotional distress damages; conduct anti-discrimination training, including a focus on NYC Human Rights Law protections for religious accommodations; and post the Commission's Notice of Rights poster. To resolve the case, NYIT agreed to pay $23,333.33 in emotional distress damages, $11,666.66 in attorney's fees, a $15,000 civil penalty, and to revise its policies to conform with the NYC Human Rights Law, provide anti-discrimination trainings to employees, and to post the Commissions Notice of Rights Poster in every New York City location. Exit Realty Central, Landlords, and Broker Agree To Pay $10,000, Attend Training, Create Policies, and Post Notices to Settle Presence of Children CaseRespondent Exit Realty Central (Exit Central), an individual broker, and three individual landlords have agreed to settle a case filed by an applicant, a single mother, who they refused a showing at the landlords unit after the individual broker said she had too many kids. An investigation by the Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau confirmed that the individual broker sent the text message while working for Exit Central. You can find information about your rights and protections under SOX on the Department of Labors whistleblower website. The Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau (LEB) conducted an investigation, including a review of the allegations and Yodles employment applications. Touro also agreed to modify its employee policies to comply with the NYC Human Rights Law as well as train its managers and supervisors on the NYC Human Rights Law. Employees also reported that they heard admonishing comments about Muslims by their managers over their communication devices when they asked to take a break earlier than scheduled. Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital Agrees to Pay $10,000 in Emotional Distress DamagesComplainant, a man who is transgender, alleged that a Mount Sinai Beth Israel nurse subjected him to gender-based discrimination while he sought medical care at the hospital. Remsen Owners Corp. Agrees to Install a Railing to Rectify Inaccessibility IssueComplainant reported to the Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau that the exterior steps of her building, belonging to Respondent Remsen Owners Corp., prevented her from entering or exiting unless assisted by another individual. What exactly is meant by retribution in this situation? City of New York. Required fields are marked *. The Commissions Law Enforcement Bureau investigation revealed that Respondents intentionally failed to process the legally required paperwork for Complainants Section 8 voucher. Mrs. Bee Corp. (Formerly Webster Hall Entertainment Corporation) Agrees To Pay Emotional Distress Damages and Issue a Written Apology in Gender-Based Harassment CaseComplainant, who identifies as gender non-binary, alleged that Respondents former employee subjected them to gender-based harassment and discrimination while they were attending an event at Respondents former entertainment venue. It remains to be seen whether the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in 2020 that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is prohibited sex discrimination will have an impact on total LGBTQ-based sex discrimination charges filed.. Food Colony LLC d/b/a C-Town Supermarkets Settles Discrimination Claims Based on Age, Race, and Color, Providing a Written Apology to Complainant, Undergoing Training, Revising Policies, and Updating Employment ApplicationA prospective employment applicant, who was sixty-seven years old and self-identified as brown-skinned and of mixed race, alleged that he saw a help wanted sign posted outside of Respondent Food Colony LLC d/b/a C-Town Supermarkets (C-Town). If you are successful in court, you may be entitled to reinstatement, double back pay, litigation costs, expert witness fees, and attorneys fees. The release also indicated that the records searched would include a 7-year criminal check, driving record, national wants and warrants, and a national criminal file. The Respondents were cooperative with the Commissions process and were required to pay $7,500 in civil penalties, make changes to ensure their policies were compliant with the source of income provisions of the NYC Human Rights Law, attend training on the NYC Human Rights Law, send notices about the source of income protections under the NYC Human Rights Law to Respondents brokers and agents, and post notices of rights in their building.