Indeed, I do mean to keep myself warm, sweet Katherine, in your bed. [To PETRUCHIO]You're being too blunt. And, for an entrance to my entertainment, I do present you with a man of mine, [presenting HORTENSIO , disguised as LITIO ] Cunning in music and the mathematics, To instruct her fully in those sciences, Whereof I know she is not ignorant. You are very welcome, sir. Where did you study all this goodly speech? Give me your hand, Kate. for a group? It were impossible I should speed amiss. [To BIANCA] Go ply thy needle; meddle not with her. Let him that moved you hitherRemove you hence. It was as if she'd been practicing and planning to abuse me like this. Next Themes Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis It is finally time for Lucentio and Bianca's wedding banquet. He has heard stories about her rebellious and wilful nature. You'll choose Gremio who will keep you dressed up in fine clothes and jewelry. And, let your father make her the assurance. What a slanderous world! I order you to tell me which of your suitors you like best. Sunday comes apace. Sly is surrounded by servants who offer tasty snacks, expensive booze, and the coolest clothes, all of which Sly rejects on the grounds that he is Christopher Sly, the . Understand every line of The Taming of the Shrew . In this scene, Kate shows that she is doubly miserable in her existence as an unmarried girl, having alienated herself from the society she despised. Then let whoever moved you here come and remove you. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Hello, Katefor that's your name, I hear. Why, how now, dame! Never make denial. Now is the day we long have lookd for. First, as you know, my house in the city, which is richly furnished with gold and china, and basins and jugs for her to wash her dainty hands. PETRUCHIO enters with HORTENSIO, disguised as a musician. I was born to tame you, Kate, and change you from a wildcat Kate into a Kate as obedient as other domesticated Kates. The men view her as a shrew, but they care very little about the origins of her shrewish nature. Kate, shocked, contradicts him, but he ignores her objections and insists to the other men that Katherine cannot keep her hands off him. Baptista agrees to award Bianca to Lucentio as soon as his father can guarantee the wealth that he has claimed. Scene 1 - CliffsNotes having heard your modesty, virtue, and beauty praised in every town, though not as highly as you deserve, I have been moved to court you for my wife. Please accept his service. By report I know him well. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. To conclude, we've gotten along so well together that Sunday will be our wedding day. [To TRANIO, disguised as LUCENTIO]But, gentle sir, you seem to be a foreigner. Nay, hear you, Kate: in sooth you scape not so. Ill plead for you myself, but you shall have him. Now, Signior Petruchio, how speed you with my daughter? Taming of the shrew is based on a king named Baptista who had two daughters named Katherina and Bianca. In a plush bedroom in the Lord's house, Sly demands a pot of "small ale." (Historical tidbit: "small ale" is the Elizabethan equivalent of cheap, light beer.) Otherwise, you must pardon meif you should die before your father does, then what would become of all the wealth Bianca is supposed to inherit from you? But now, Baptista, to your younger daughter. At the beginning of the scene, though, Kate shows that she may have another motive for complying with Petruchio. Whom thou lovest best. Taming of the Shrew: Act 1, Scene 1 The Taming of the Shrew Scenes Overview Synopsis Characters Scenes Full Play Reviews Documents The Tamer Tamed Taming of the Shrew: Act 1, Scene 1 Jump to a scene A + Line - Line + Short names Hide Line Numbers Padua. His name is Cambio. I will compound this strife. I'm just eager to get down to business. You knew my father well, and through him, me, the only heir to all his lands and wealth, which I have increased rather than depleted. But here she comesand now, Petruchio, speak. You knew my father well, and through him, me, the only heir to all his lands and wealth, which I have increased rather than depleted. Flashcards. Sunday is coming soon. Father, and wife, and gentlemen, adieu. Too light for a bumpkin like you to catchand yet just as heavy as I should be. Say that she rail; why then Ill tell her plain She sings as sweetly as a nightingale. Good luck with your wooing. For patience she will prove a second Grissel. 'Tis age that nourisheth. Perhaps Petruchios indefatigable nature has broken the cycle, or it may be that he is the first man to speak kind words to her, even if he did not truly mean them. Learn about Act 2 Scene 1 of The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare. An old Italian fox is never that kind, my boy. Benvolio. Taming of the Shrew: Act 2, Scene 1 - Why dost thou wrong her that did ne'er wrong thee? [aside] My land amounts not to so much in all. That she shall have, besides an argosy That now is lying in Marcellus' road. Refine any search. What, will you not suffer me? I'll wait for her here and woo her forcefully when she comes. And so I bid you farewell, and thank you both. Go to it orderly. Whence are you, sir? And now you know my meaning. I could tell at once that you were a moveable. That is everything. Along with this, she'll get two thousand gold coins a year, which is what my land earns me. Taming of the Shrew: Act 5, Scene 2 - Then tell me, if I get your daughters love. Why would you hurt her when she's never done you any harm? While I with self-same kindness welcome thine. Why, how now, daughter Katherine? If she is silent and won't say a word, then I'll praise her for being talkative, and say that she speaks with piercing eloquence. No Fear Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew: Act 2 Scene 1 - SparkNotes , and is as skilled in Greek, Latin, and other languages as that man is in music and mathematics. We will have rings, and things, and fine clothes, and kiss me, Kate. and you take the set of books. Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting? Let me fret you then!" No, not a whit. The Taming of the Shrew: Act 2, Scene 1 Enter KATHARINA and BIANCA. Gremio appears with Lucentio, who is . Ay, if the fool could find it where it lies. Give me your hands. The Taming of the Shrew was first published in the 1623 First Folio, and that text is generally the source for subsequent editions. Petruchio, with his servant Grumio, has just arrived in Padua. All of this will be her marriage settlement. That is, her love, for that is all in all. I have a daughter, sir, called Katherina. If you accept them, then their worth is great. (one code per order). If she is silent and won't say a word, then I'll praise. Well mayst thou woo, and happy be thy speed.But be thou armed for some unhappy words. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. After recovering from the shock of the hasty arrangement they have just witnessed, Gremio and Tranio immediately move to the matter of Bianca, who suddenly will be available after Sunday. In its tail. And you, good sir. The Taming of the Shrew Act 2, scene 1 Synopsis: Baptista stops Katherine from abusing Bianca and receives a visit from Petruchio, who presents Hortensio (disguised as Litio, a music teacher); Gremio introduces Lucentio (disguised as Cambio, a teacher of languages). Hey there, inside! 'tis a match. We will be married o' Sunday. [To TRANIO] What, have I choked you with an argosy? [To TRANIO as LUCENTIO ] But, gentle sir, methinks you walk like a stranger. It will return, but Petruchio clearly did not miss the mark with his strategy, which capitalizes on her need for acceptance. Her silence flouts me, and Ill be revenged. With all due respect, Petruchio, please let us poor petitioners get a word in too. If she refuses to marry me, then I'll ask about the date for the announcement and the wedding. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% I know him well by reputation. And as for the education of your daughters, I here contribute a simple instrument and this small pack of Greek and Latin books. I myself am getting on in years, I must confess, and if I should die tomorrow, all this will belong to Biancaso long as while I live she will be only mine. A curse on your crafty withered hide! Baptista says that whichever of the suitors can best ensure that Bianca will be provided for when she is a widowin other words, whichever has the greatest wealthmay have her hand. So tell me, Sir Gremio, what can you offer her? Are you sad? Age is what nourishes. When did she cross thee with a bitter word? I will go sit and weep Till I can find occasion of revenge. I will settle this quarrel. How but well? First, as you know, my house within the city Is richly furnishd with plate and gold, Basins and ewers to lave her dainty hands; My hangings all of Tyrian tapestry, In ivory coffers I have stuffed my crowns, In cypress chests my arras counterpoints, Costly apparel, tents, and canopies, Fine linen, Turkey cushions bossed with pearl, Valance of Venice gold in needlework, Pewter and brass, and all things that belong To house or housekeeping. Gremio presents his own schoolmaster, the disguised Lucentio, whom he calls Cambio, a master of classical languages. Why dost thou wrong her that did ne'er wrong thee? [As LUCENTIO]Why, then she's mine alone, of all the men in the world, by your firm promise. [As LUCENTIO]Gremio, it's well known that my father has no fewer than three great merchant ships, along with two large galleys and twelve smaller ones. As the leader of the Minola family, he is in a precarious position. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. This is the day we've been waiting for. You don't limp at all! Then, at my farm I have a hundred milk cows and a hundred and twenty fat oxen in my stables. I'll make sure my Katherine will be beautifully dressed. Shes apt to learn and thankful for good turns. But for my daughter Katherine, this I know. Oh, pardon me, Sir Gremio. Oh, you be Diana, then, and let Diana be Kate. Understand every line of The Taming of the Shrew . O slow-winged turtle, shall a buzzard take thee? Please wait while we process your payment . You'll also receive an email with the link. Proceed in practice with my younger daughter. Pardon me sir, for the boldness is all my own. Father, and wife, and gentlemenfarewell. [He presents HORTENSIO, disguised as LITIO]He is skilled in music and mathematics, and can instruct your daughter in these fields of studyin which I know she is no beginner. I am thus resolved. fine linen, Turkish cushions embossed with pearl, gold Venetian draperies, pewter and brass, and everything else you could want for a house or housekeeping. Let's have contracts drawn up between us, so both of us will be sure to keep up our end of the agreement. The Taming of the Shrew, Act 2, scene 1 - The Folger SHAKESPEARE If your father will second your guarantees, then she's yours. Learn. These are their tutors. 8. 'Tis bargained twixt us twain, being alone. Did you hear that, Petruchio? Why, then the maid is mine from all the world. You are welcome for his sake. Good sister, don't wrong both me and yourself by turning me into a slave. Myself am struck in years, I must confess. She demands that Bianca say which of her suitors she prefers, and when Bianca does not, Katharina slaps her. BAPTISTA I know not what to say: but give me your hands; God send you joy, Petruchio! I know not what to say, but give me your hands. Say, Signior Gremio, what can you assure her? Proceed in practice with my younger daughter. The only profit I seek is a quiet, peaceful match. This is the day we've been waiting for. His friend Hortensio suggests that Petruchio woo Katherine. If her temper results from her frustration with the dim-witted qualities of the men around her, one easy explanation for her acceptance of Petruchio would be that he is her equal in wit and willpower. After Petruchio invokes this simile, Kates resistance falters. Two thousand gold coins a year from his land! I swear, you've certainly shown a father's tender care in trying to marry me off to a lunatic, a crazed villain and a swearing fool. When fighting with Bianca, she admits that she is jealous because of the fact that her sister is being courted and will probably soon marry. Father, it's like this: you and everyone else who've talked about her have all been wrong. Oh, then belike you fancy riches more.You will have Gremio to keep you fair. She's not fierce, but as mild as the morning. For shame, you vicious creature, you devil! Flashcards. I choose her for myself. But be ready for some unpleasant words. That she shall still be curst in company. How but well, sir? Why, that is nothing. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% To conclude, we've gotten along so well together that Sunday will be our wedding day. But here she comesand now, Petruchio, speak. Kiss him for that, good widow. No cock of mine. And so I take my leave, and thank you both. If you affect him, sister, here I swear Ill plead for you myself, but you shall have him. . Of that report which I so oft have heard. Strangely, Kate remains silent after this remark, and when Petruchio again claims that they will marry on Sunday, she says nothing, and they both leave. Act 1, scene 2. I see no reason but supposed Lucentio Must get a father, called supposed Vincentio And thats a wonder. Content you, gentlemen. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. I think I'll be able to do my master good. Marry, so I mean, sweet Katherine, in thy bed. For thou are pleasant, gamesome, passing courteous, But slow in speech, yet sweet as springtime flowers. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. For our accesswhose hap shall be to have her 235. WIDOW Right, I mean you. You are pleasant, amusing, polite, not sharp-tongued, and as sweet as springtime flowers. Now I see that she is your treasure. Read The Taming of the Shrew here, with side-by-side No Fear translations into modern English. Thy beauty that doth make me like thee well. [As LUCENTIO]Yes, but your goods were just gathering dust and annoying you. It's Hortensio, isn't it? Sir Baptista, I'm in a bit of a hurry with this business, and I can't come wooing every day. Signior Petruchio, will you go with us, Or shall I send my daughter Kate to you? Signior Baptista, my business asketh haste, And every day I cannot come to woo. For patience she will prove a second Grissel, And Roman Lucrece for her chastity. The servant exits with LUCENTIO and HORTENSIO, followed by BIONDELLO. Oh, let me see thee walk! Was ever a match agreed upon so suddenly? With gentle conference, soft and affable. Taming of the Shrew | Act 2, Scene 1 - myShakespeare A curse on your crafty withered hide! The Taming of the Shrew, Act 1, scene 2 - The Folger SHAKESPEARE You are pleasant, amusing, polite, not sharp-tongued, and as sweet as springtime flowers.