The divine may be indicating that whatever youre asking about may not be an appropriate situation for you right now. If anything, now is the time to find new pleasures in life. Re-establish that inner peace and balance, one that cannot be disturbed by everyday mishaps. This card is astrologically associated with Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. Temperance reminds us that we must avoid going to extremes. A person could say "I forgive you" and simply not mean it or even be setting us up for retaliation. Temperance foretells good feelings. Is the Temperance Tarot Card a Yes or a No? If you fail, the existing judgment is considered final. However, this isnt too big of a deal, as Temperance upright assures you that youll be able to establish a good equilibrium. The zodiac sign that is associated with the Temperance card is Sagittarius. If you are inquiring about an ex, your ex cant make up their mind about you. If Justice comes before the Temperance card, there will be a delay in the outcome of a legal situation and outstanding charges could be dismissed. Interventions have been developed to promote humility, too, and have been shown to be effective. They may want to bring different people or things together and is willing to stand as a mediator to find a way through problems or differences to achieve a common goal. The Universe will respond to your requests, as long as they are humble and realistic. Where Does Borderline Personality Disorder Come From? You work well together. This may be related to work or a professional situation. Temperance is also about messages, so you might feel like texting a friend you havent seen for a while and see if theyre doing ok. Perhaps you juggle these personality traits because you have not found your place among the others yet, and as you try to maintain your composure, your insecurities rise to the surface. For over 30 years, I've been studying forgiveness and for about 20 years, I've been studying humility. In a business-related Tarot reading, I would default to the meaning that advises you to manage resources. An unabashed positive psychologist, you will often hear him preaching the simple but powerful wisdom, "the more you can replace bad thoughts with good thoughts, the happier, healthier, and more successful you will be." If you succeed, you go before the prince, at which point anything goes. In romance, the Temperance card represents the energies of harmony, balance, understanding, and patience in your relationship. Really ask yourself why you may be upset, why the situation has occurred, and what you can do about it. Question 3. This may result in impulsivity, mood swings, or even anxiety and depression. and Ph.D. from the University of Colorado Boulder. An imbalance that will throw you off-track might occur soon. Have you ever been in a situation where everything seems to be going wrong, and despite wanting to re-centre yourself, being caught up in the chaos prevents you from even doing that? Six of Pentacles: Love Advice, Future Outcomes, Yes or No? - Edelwyn But do not become discouraged if you draw the reverse. An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. In the Rider-Waite deck, the card reveals a winged angel-like figure in the centre, with one foot on the ground and the other in the flowing water. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher. Forgiveness is of two types. Relationships can strengthen. Unfortunately, Temperance Reversed doesnt bode well for your social life. Temperance as realitonship outcome? | Page 2 | Tarot Forum This person (or you) could have some healing to do. When your intuition feels off, it might be better to wait it out a bit. When the Temperance card is drawn to specify another persons opinion of you, they think that you are sublime, yet modest and grounded. The Fool. Addressing these areas will provide you with the boost you need to feel healthy and energetic again. You may be hanging onto past worries or present indulgences, and these are preventing you from reaching a healthy equilibrium. Four of Cups: Love Advice, Future Outcomes, Yes or No? - Edelwyn Finally, Temperance is the card of the guardian angel. Making a wish for another person puts divine power into action. It's not a card of growth and excitement; it's a card of equilibrium. (If you would like more love and relationship Tarot meanings for Temperance, be sure to check out my Love Tarot Meanings E-Book). 3 of pentacles as relationship outcome? | Tarot Forum Research I've done and Robert McGrath has done suggests that one way of categorizing virtues is as warmth-based virtues (like love, forgiveness, compassion, etc. Committing is necessary because it helps one H, Hold onto forgiveness if you doubt you've forgiven. Sometimes, the only way to be in control is to let go of such control. It may be a job or a passion that you are set on pursuing. Introduction: Temperance is a card about balance, in many ways, and relationships of all kinds. We started that plant up with *zero* system issues based on . It depends on my mood. The Temperance card is the fourteenth card of the Major Arcana. In fact, rushing it might just backfire. We choose to treat the person as a valued and valuable person. Alternatively, this card can reassure you that a situation is completely under control and all is working in harmony. Augustine identified humility as the most important virtue. This study examined the applicability of the Chinese virtues questionnaire (CVQ) and the relationships between students' perceptions of virtues and resilience in Hong Kong, SAR, China. I would love to see the research be applied to the big problems of the decade of the 2020s political polarization, racial reconciliation, relationship reconstruction, and character development. They are either confused, emotionally unavailable, or you have sent mixed signals to them, and they arent sure how to respond. Keep your place, observe, and interfere only when you must. Four of Cups and Temperance This combination is a sign that you're ready to abandon the excesses in your life in order to pursue peace. Your strong feelings betrayed you! Intense emotions can sometimes be suppressed or deflected or start to control the person instead. Are there issues with your workplaces or social environments that youre taking out on each other? When Temperance is combined with the Chariot, this indicates that you will be put in a position that requires great responsibility. If you are proactive about it, more funds will find their way into your bank account. For a friendship reading, Temperance means you have friends who love, support and look out for you, whom you can trust to help you heal from trauma, or to kindly warn you when youre out of line. That simply means that, if they arent willing to meet you on common ground, better shift your attention to those who would be glad to do so. The keyword here is effective. Its not a sign to disappear from the world, go vegan, and run a marathon. If in a current job, then perhaps hold back on risky investments, big spending, or massive career shifts. Reversed Temperance Meanings - Cardarium The Ace of Wands tarot card strongly represents the creative spark. Mendoza 2 story that most caught my attention from the narrative, the characters, the outcome, and the moral lesson that it reflects in its conclusion. The crown chakra is the meeting point between the body and the Universe, and our connection to higher guidance. I asked what the outcome would be of this situation in terms of reconciling or not. The Temperance card in reverse as an outcome speaks of conflict. These are all keywords that can portray what exactly this person thinks of you. The orange triangle within the white square is spirit grounded in matter, the holiness of nature! It prioritizes a patient temperament or approach to a certain situation. I love my Asakuki Diffuser, I have this going in my living room or my office with either peppermint or lavender. Over time, trust solidifies into a rock-solid foundation for a great relationship. Their presence is always reliable and their advice always useful. Lucky Colour: Silver. It should balance you out and bring out the best in you. Remember: Temperance teaches moderation in everything. We cant please everyone in life. Hopefully, persevering throughout this period will end in an even stronger relationship. Probable Outcome: You are not letting everything drive you because you have found your peaceful place within you and you are taking care of yourself and thinking things through before you take the leap of faith. This suit, most often named "Coins" or "Pentacles", is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. When reversed, Temperance means there is discord and imbalance in your relationships. If youre having issues in the outside world, these will begin to spill over into other areas of your life. Advertise with us. Not only that, you should walk away when the relationship starts feeling abusive. Don't allow this to stop you from having fun, however. Its in the human nature. Manages a patient and family caseload which includes assessing, planning, implementation, evaluating and documenting the care provided. The 19th and early 20th century saw considerable organizing for temperance or prohibition. Sidestep any kind of trouble that is not your business. If you are asking about what is the outcome of a relationship, and you draw Temperance, that means that your person really enjoys your calming presence. The most common meaning of the Temperance card in the action position is for the querent to organize. Here is a summary of our conversation. Through her work, she teaches diviners how to give more confident readings. The golden crown hovering above the mountains could be a reference to The Emperor, and also to Sahasrara, the crown chakra, from which all other chakras emanate. However, make sure that your treatment is well-balanced dont discount the benefits of either traditional or holistic medicine, as you dont have to choose one over the other. I always say its better to strive for consistent contentment than happiness, because happiness can go up and down. The person you may be asking about is unfortunately not a soulmate. Your person values moderation, balance, and compromise - finding the "middle path". Temperance asks for balance to unify the discordant aspects of your life, resulting in peace on a mental and spiritual level. Perhaps you have endured some sort of suffering or loss; the Temperance card suggests that you are on the path to healing your emotional and physical wounds. These are just examples of what might have occurred, but the overall feeling of regret or dissatisfaction is clear. The Fool and The Temperance: Tarot Combination In relationship readings, Temperance is a very good card to receive in a future or outcome position. The Temperance Tarot Card - Keen Articles Now would not be a good time as emotions are still running high and their emotions are apt to swiftly change. This is also a great time to ask yourself about your goals. The Diffuser adds a nice gentle scent to my home. Temperance encourages patience, moderation, compromise, and the middle way. The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as A Place, The Temperance Tarot Card as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as Action, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as Advice, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as an Outcome, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as a Person. If you are in an existing relationship, Temperance reversed as love outcome means a lack of stability in your relationship. Patience is more likely if we do not have to carry the baggage of unresolved hurts and offenses. Temperance as intentions are positive. Temperance is a reassuring sign because it means that one day, you will gain peace. If you are in an existing relationship, Temperance as love outcome means contentment. When we lean into these qualities, we build trust. This is also a card about alchemy or mixing and matching. As mentioned earlier, I sometimes also interpret Temperance as symbolizing the presence of an ancestral spirit. Reversed, the Temperance card tells of a situation where being too agreeable can end in manipulation, whereas not communicating at all leaves the situation unresolved. What does the Temperance Tarot card mean? They've learned from those failed relationships and all they want now is a peaceful connection. Decisions to forgive are changes in our intent to react negatively to the other person. Meta-analyses and reviews of these interventions have shown that two have been studied more than others. Therefore, you have to work out how you can push past the same-old-same-old so that you can achieve better results. There is also almost an other-worldliness to the imagery on the card. Thus, the restraint has a purpose of affecting good. Perhaps what you wish for is not possible or you have overlooked a small yet important detail that is going to cause problems. That doesnt mean disagreements and conflict never happens. Mark Travers, Ph.D., is the lead psychologist at Awake Therapy, responsible for new client intake and placement. Be it drugs, alcohol, gambling, overeating, impulsive shopping, or any other similarly negative behavior, Temperance is a sign that youve gotten too far away from yourself and need to step back and realign with your core inner being. You will experience healing on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Temperance can appear as a message from your ancestors. Temperance is about carefully mixing and balancing elements in order to get something new. Discussions flow naturally and lead to constructive thinking and subtle realizations that benefit both of you. We feel pleased with our place in the world and find motivation to heal. Best FREE Love Tarot Reading 100% Personalized Online Communication is hindered, differences spark arguments, and conflicting feelings muddy your perception. While you can rest assured that your hard work and dedication has been duly noted by your superiors, if youre hoping for a promotion you must remember to be patient and not instinctively jump at the first opportunity offered to you. Forbearance is better than tolerance because it restrains our emotional and behavioral reactions for the good of the collective. See if you can reach a middle ground with the other person. Remember that soulmates do not have to be romantically connected! It just means that they tend to rely on themselves, whether theyve been forced to early on or just by their own nature, and tend to express their emotions directly. Read an inspiring book and rest generously. When asking about another person, it means they feel you blend well together, but they try to tone their feelings down and avoid extremes. Reversed, the Temperance card could refer to a place that is quite busy, frantic, or high-paced. When the Emperor appears before the Temperance card in Tarot readings, it means a diplomatic solution is very possible. They feel as if your energy is naturally healing, so even your presence can keep them grounded and secure.