They may go out of their way to help out the person they are with, and they like to feel of service. Her enthusiasm to assist occasionally comes across as naive, and people are quick to exploit someone like this. Aquarius is an eccentric yet scientific sign, whereas Venus is romance and poetry. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's consider the real depthness of Venus in Pisces. This dream may leave us feeling anxious and confused, wondering if there is any deeper meaning behind it. Shes always going to be a hopeless romantic and shes not going to stop dreaming, no matter what. Soft, tender actions bode well with her, while harsh words and strict timelines do not. However, fake couldnt be the furthest from the truth with these ladies. She will react quite dramatically if you make a mockery of her love. She yearns for a true lover who can shield her from her own volatile emotions, a soulmate. Shes not the kind of woman who will usually make the first move, which is why she might be attracted to more dominant, alpha-type men. Venus is a Guru planet in its own right and has an important role in materializing the spiritual essence of the human being and brings spirituality into the material world and in esoteric astrology it allows men to aspire after spiritual immortality and learn graceful manners, calmness, endurance, sociability and love of the arts. There is a clear difference between intuition and fantasy. Venus in Pisces Exalted Venus - - Donuts Infographic: What is the Ultimate Commitment. And in a world of negativity and pessimists, a Venus in Pisces woman is the breath of fresh air we all need. So innocent, so sweet and beautiful, so kind and warm-hearted, its just like Venus herself descended down from the heavens to play with the hearts of mortals. Because of this, she may occasionally be taken advantage of, but thanks to her spiritual outlook on life, she frequently manages to see how even those instances are just a small part of a broader picture. Pisces and Taurus value love. She will give herself even to relationships that will lead nowhere because even though she realizes this fact, its incredibly hard for her to decide to leave. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. Lets hope so! She thrives with a protector and one who will stand guard over her solitude. She's an Angel girl, Queen of the Fairies, enchantress, timeless beauty, and lost soul. Even before she comes to this conclusion, her emotions are so far intertwined with those of her partners that she cant help but feel the repercussions of his grief and sadness. While some zodiac signs get a lot of attention and praise, others remain underrated and underappreciated. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Venus in Pisces In The Birth Chart | Tea & Rosemary Everything changes when she establishes a strong spiritual character, with the knowledge that the well can always be filled. Venus influences your values and how you approach love; therefore, it's crucial to consider Venus's signs when determining relationship compatibility with astrology. Enchant her with colorful tales that confirm there's beauty, love, and kindness all around if we see with our heart. They love women who are jovial and take it easy kind. Mercury, the ruler of communication and the link between mind and spirit, brings out deep intelligence, learning, and ingenuity. They hate to say no and have a hard time doing so, even when its for her best. In the bareness and harshness of the earth in the middle of winter, the vast darkness when the power unexpectedly cuts out, and the bumpy, bruised scar that runs through the middle of her belly. 2023 BY REVOLOON LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Mercury, the ruler of communication and the link between mind and spirit, brings out deep intelligence, learning, and ingenuity. Remember this is the Mermaid of the Zodiac! During these few weeks, our fantasies weave a . Venus entered Pisces on March 17th, 2021, where it will stay until April 10th, 2021. . What Zodiac Sign Is Most Likely To Be Rich? She has a strong dislike for cheating and would never do it to her partner, unlike the Venus in Pisces man. Laidback and caring, they don't need the big stage that Leo does to profess their love and instead engage in simple pleasures like love letters, songwriting, or even an original illustration. Her outlook is, why limit yourself in this life by sticking to mint chocolate chip every time you go out for ice cream just because you know you like it? They are the difference between a good wife and a bad one, between a thoughtful and loving wife, and a disinterested, materialist one. What is the difference between Vedic and sidereal astrology? She feels everything around, meaning that she is very sensitive to her partners needs and happiness. She has a hard time establishing boundaries and is likely to let people constantly walk all over her. In her head, she is super sexual. The good might be very deep down, and her desire to save can make her a victim of troubled or abusive characters. The Venus in Pisces man is magical and otherworldly and a relationship with . If you are working on a course, get out in front of an audience and start teaching! Their . If they get cheated in love then they become very harsh. Venus in Aries: Icons - The Oxford Astrologer Highly sensitive, fantasy can be their reality and they are particularly artistic, adaptable and empathetic. She is always on the lookout for someone who will always make her feel protective. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The reason so many men are drawn to a Pisces lady on Venus is her gentle, honest, and innocent character. At a deep level, she recognizes that beauty is not power but rather magic, and she can find it almost anywhere. We dont realize that we are no good to our loved ones when we are not operating at our highest vibration. What is the most underrated zodiac sign? She is certainly lovely on the surface, but she is also lovely on the inside. The arts (music, dance, drama and literature, to name a few) and a sense of the aesthetic fall within the realm of Venus. Venus in Pisces: Key Personality Traits in Love and Life The issue with this strategy for falling in love is that it can grow so desperate that a lady with Venus Pisces woman will take an offer of love from just about anyone. A cosmic shake-up arrives on April 11 as Venus leaves grounded Taurus and enters intellectual Gemini. These women exude a kind of aura that attracts men like honey, and its their natural sweet nature that makes them go crazy with anticipation. Venus is relationally at her . The planet Venus is named for the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure, so it makes sense that it rules over these same areas in astrology, too. She is beautiful on the outside, of course, but she is just as attractive on the inside. Her openness to experiencing this merging makes her vulnerable to amorphousness. In addition to writing her blog, Anna also offers personalized astrological readings to her clients. If it works, great. The person who has Venus in Pisces is often attracted to a partner who needs guidance or who suffers from some sort of affliction. Youve spent your early life dreaming about a soulmate. Leo is a fiery, passionate lover and loves to take charge in the bedroom. This sign adds a touch of fluidity to the Sun sign, so the Aries isnt quite so harsh, toned down as if a wash of watercolour had been added to their fiery nature. Pisces love horoscope 2022 for singles especially is full of colours as they may find themselves swayed by the charm of the other person, and there are high chances that they find their soulmate. When Pisces is in love, they are very giving and compassionate towards their partner. Venus in Pisces loves the stuff of life. Silvers and iridescent materials, sequins and flowing lines work well, and hair can be tousled or more relaxed than usual. You are enthusiastic and passionate. She has a very good heart, although she sometimes might feel lost in the world. In general, the Venus in Pisces woman is known for being loving, compassionate, and sensitive. When you are born with Venus in Pisces, you are a natural social butterfly and are happiest when exchanging with others. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Even dissolving the physical boundaries between the two to become one soul. Venus Pisces Woman - Profound, Chilly, And Mysteriously Emotional Sign She feels at home in the spirit realm and believes in signs, symbols, and divine messages. The Venus Pisces woman sees into the soul of a person, even if it's deep down. is a profound, chilly, and mysteriously emotional sign. Its not that shes self-loathing; she puts others first so much that her own needs tend to get swept under the rug. Hurting her partner is the very last thing she would do, and even she wonders if she could do it at all. She wants to engage in a relationship where there are mutual respect and love included, otherwise, shes going to avoid them if she can. She feels with the anima mundi, the soul of the world. They want a safe, solid relationship. Her heart is so big, and she wears it on her sleeve without shame. Some people believe that the alignment of stars and planets can impact your lives in various ways. Venus in Pisces Meaning: Love, Personality Traits & Significance .iaqpzn-w2jms5{padding-left:0.1px;color:undefined;}.iaqpzn-1m6t5yg{color:#1d70b8;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:max(1px, 0.0625rem);text-underline-offset:0.1em;}.iaqpzn-1m6t5yg:hover{color:#003078;text-decoration-thickness:2px;}.iaqpzn-1m6t5yg:focus{color:#0b0c0c;box-shadow:0 -2px #fd0,0 4px #141e1e;background-color:#fd0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.iaqpzn-k63hep{font-weight:bold;color:undefined;}Venus Pisces woman.iaqpzn-1p7ut1l{color:undefined;} is a profound, chilly, and mysteriously emotional sign. Venus is the teacher of the demons and in modern a term that means those stuck in material existence. VENUS IN 2ND HOUSE: The native has alluring look with attractive eyes. A Pisces woman in Venus is someone who is very romantic and charming. Venus In Pisces - The Mermaid - Theres a guy at work, that cute guy who makes her coffee each morning, and the guy who cleans her windows once a month. What Zodiac Sign Is Most Likely To Be Single? Sneak preview link attached. She is an angelic girl, a fairy queen, a witch, timeless beauty, and a lost soul. How can these two fit together? Her goal is to meet the emotional needs and expectations of others, always. She has a huge heart, and she wears it proudly on her sleeve. Yes, the Venus in Pisces woman is the one who lives for Valentines day, watches rom-coms on repeat, and crashes random peoples weddings, all because she cannot get enough of love. Theyll gladly take the time to learn each others likes and dislikes. Kittens, days by the ocean, the hot tub. There are many sweet, genuinely lovable traits that come with a Venus in Pisces woman. As Venus wraps up its journey through the zodiac, the planet comes to its exaltation in the psychic waters of Pisces. And this is important because those who dont believe in magic will never find it. The second-best match for these natives are those who have Venus in Gemini or Venus in Aquarius. This cosmic climate will bring major blessings to your love life, though it will be up to you to follow through with healthy dynamics while choosing to leave behind confusing or manipulative ones. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Venus in Pisces: Traits, the 12 Houses, Famous People, and more It will seem as though everything we have ever wanted has just dropped into our laps during the Venus in Pisces transit. Many people believe that this number holds a special meaning and that it is a sign of significant changes to come. A Venus Pisces woman may be labeled as a hopeless romantic by some. They distinguish between a caring and kind wife and a cold, materialistic one; between a good wife and a bad one. A woman with Venus in Taurus is an affectionate, sensual, and feminine woman, who can also be a bit tomboyish. Women are recommended to wear Zircon or Diamond to make Venus favorable. It takes time to see the full colors of someones soul. Starting from the month of March 2022, you will be full of romance and romantic moments with your beloved partner. In this article, we will explore what zodiac signs most likely to be rich. In Pisces, Venus, the ruler of women and relationships, brings out love, harmony, creativity, beauty and artistry. Sarah Michelle Gellar. Pisces is a mutable water sign ruled by the planet Neptune. All of these can lead her to lose herself in love. What Zodiac Sign Is Most Likely To Be A Psychopath. It could be very platonic or quite romantic. The Venus in Pisces Woman: Get to Know Her Better - Ruled by otherworldly Neptune, Pisces has a natural proclivity for daydreaming and even psychic abilities. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. "This is the zodiac sign that our goddess planet of love and beauty was in at our moments of birth," says Thomas. Artistically minded, the Pisces woman will veer towards muted tones across her fashion and beauty style, that reflect the shades of the sea, so soft grey or lavender eye-shadows suit. Moreover, her natural flexibility and adaptative abilities coming from her watery upbringing mean that she can take on any individual, and zodiac sign, and live a happy life together with them. She flourishes in the presence of a guardian who will watch over her privacy. If anyone was going to whisk you away for a romantic daydream, it would definitely be someone with Venus in Pisces in their birth chart. She makes love to everything: the ocean, the trees, and the stars. Get ready to be drowning in pleasure, laughter, romance and euphoria! 44 Likes, 2 Comments - Natalie (@natalie.ivette_) on Instagram: "Venus, the planet of love and beauty is now in dreamy Pisces With Venus in , we can be more" The man with Venus in Pisces is a sensitive, loving, and very emotional partner. What she needs is someone who is patient, will listen, and will help her make sense of her desires so that she can enjoy fulfilling, soulful sex. Finally, a Venus in Pisces woman would do well learning how to love herself more. You are so idealistic about matters of the heart that its easy for you to ignore red flags in potential or current partners. Your ideal compatibility mates, if you have Venus in Pisces, are those who have Venus in Taurus or Capricorn. Venus in Pisces Woman When woman Venus is in Pisces, you love tenderly and compassionately. In general, the Venus in Pisces woman is known for being loving, compassionate, and sensitive.