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More info on the limitations of checking for duplicates below. Permits . All medicines from Redux Healthcare Mod and steroids from Basemental Mod were added! Part 7 of our modding series covers how to add interactions created using Zerbu's Mod Constructor V4 to a sim's phone, computer, or mailbox with Scumbumbo's XML Injector updated by Triplis and Sims4Studio (best viewed in 720p resolution). But I knew that would not be enough. XML Injector - UPDATE. You paste in a file path, press enter, and it will do a number of operations on the file: generate a hash for it, insert the hash as its internal file hash in decimal and then apply the hash to its external filename as hexadecimal. TUNING_REFERENCE_LIST_GOES_HERE: The program will expect to put multiple tuning references here (e.g. For example, if trait_remove has a class restriction of Trait and somebody tries to process a Buff file as a tuning to be placed in trait_remove. If one or more stbl files is in the Edit folder, the program will append our Bungalow Banjos string to each. If we run the program on this XML file, it will find the commented string with the "StringCustom" identifier and create a unique hash for the string in quotes, our "Bungalow Banjos." can anyone help me understand what's going on? Install Filename In the files for the program, you'll find a folder called Tutorials > Custom Theme Example. But I have made a number of changes, additions, and improvements, in part geared toward making some of the features from my previous tools a little more intuitive or having tooltips, instead of you having to pore over documentation to understand. Recommended hash highlighting: underlines the recommended hash for the job. You can do this by doing shift + right-click while looking at the file in windows explorer. If youre a modder interested in making new spells for Spellcasters, then this is for you! Paste the file path into the program and press enter. It contains 2 files, which must go (no deeper than one 1 folder) inside your "Mods" folder. Currently the XML Injector snippet . . 1.2, XML Tuning: Project View Tuning Name column now shows unique Icons if file is ASM/JAZZ, SimData (in XML form) or otherwise, to make it easier to recognize which files are which. It was Enchant to Kneel, but we're going to change it to Bungalow Banjos. Unlike Notepad++, it doesn't allow you to open multiple files at once, but it does provide an optional Project View to the left of the XML Editor, which can be set to a specific folder ("project") location. The XML Injector for The Sims 4 is a mod library to allow mods that would normally require a script for simple changes to instead use a custom snippet. TUNING_REFERENCE_GOES_HERE: The program will expect to put a single tuning reference here. This mod adds all new medicines to the original "Purchase Medicine" order dialog on the computer and not to the new shop menu. Heres most of the original description of this mod from r3ms posting, since I cant improve on it, updated for V2. So if you try to use the tool with a filename that has non-english characters, you will encounter messy results. Choose the procedure from the dropdown menu (for example, "AffordanceList value" to spit out your interaction ID as part of a list of affordances), choose a Subject if it's relevant (for example, if you're doing blacklist_traits, you might want the Subject to be TargetSim), and then click Process Files. This is enough to prove that The Sims 4 XML Injector mod is very popular with users. I thought about it from the standpoint of what would convince me to mod with it instead of doing the bulk of my work in Notepad++. Miscellaneous Features . You don't need to use the tool on more than one file for the same string anyway. I have considered before the possibility of automating the process of copying certain elements from the XML file to the DATA file, if it's Sims 4 Studio format, since it's XML and easier to edit (for example, copying a String ID in an XML buff file to the companion DATA file so you don't have to copy it over yourself), but that's about as large in scope as I tend to think in terms of expanding what it can do. If you've used the previous version, you may have settings (e.g. Preferences are saved in the preferences.ini file in the same folder where the .exe file for the program is. I can consider offering support for S4S syntax on request. It's expected that you fill these out with real values before saving. English if strings you're adding are in English. The program comes with a set of template data files. If Preferences > Hash Tuning > Auto Process Filenames is checked, the file will start being processed as soon as the input box detects a filename. So I came up with features like Insert Template and Save As Hash, which together, are designed to make it painless to find an example of a type of tuning and give it a unique hash, without having to hunt it down, copy it, etc. Required tuning for the Spellbook Injector. 1.2, XML Tuning: Find and Replace Dialog (activated with CTRL+F): Standard search dialog for finding text in your document, or finding and replacing it. I put it in because I like to use S4PE and S4PE will build a key list for assets that have a name appended to the end of them, making it easier to navigate your projects when looking at them in S4PE, but if my hash generation appended the entire filename, it could get rather long! If no STBL files are in the chosen folder, it will create a new set in the chosen folder. Program as a whole was built in Visual Studio 2017, using Qt VS Tools extension. Paste the file path into the program. playing on PC, standard edition, Windows 10. To prevent this, make sure to set Language of New Strings to the language of the strings you're adding. Meaning, existing data files that will be copied for some file types when a hash is generated. Zoom+ and Zoom- zoom in or out. For more details and documentation about developing your own spells, see r3ms original posting. Exceptions to this are hard-coded in and may require updating, depending on the most up-to-date knowledge of modding different types of files. allows injected spells to be learned randomly through one of the following interactions: makes custom magic tomes findable through the "Search for Tomes" interaction, unlocks custom spells for newly generated Sages, allows injection of potential outcomes that result from the Curse of Scrambled Spells, allows injection of interactions that are exclusive to spellcasters. For example, if you want your external filename to be S4_3C1D8799_00000000_D3613ABC297B23B7_MyZoneModifier even though the internal filename is Triplis:MyZoneModifier, you would include the ":" operator. Feb 24, 2020 - + XML Injector by Scumbumbo (RIP), updated by Triplis The XML Injector for The Sims 4 is a mod library to allow mods that would normally require a script for simple changes to instead use a custom snippet. Updated January 24, 2019: Most files now default to 64-high-bit, instead of 64-bit, as per recommended hash convention by other, more experienced modders. You can also click the little save icon or hit CTRL+S to save the contents of the debug log to a file, which should have some stuff in it after hashing. Any change you make to a Preferences option (checking it or unchecking it) will be saved to that file when the program is shut down normally. Edit Mode: Click one of the two buttons to switch between STBL Editor and STBL Viewer. If it's not checked, you'll have to click the little Process Input gear icon above the box. You can do more than one file at a time. Also, the program will only function properly on Windows. So keep this in mind when creating backups. It automatically adds your custom channels to every related object in game. Extremely tedious with a lot of files, lots of dead time to question your life choices. The Custom Channels Injector is free software: you . You can add the stbl files from your Edit folder to a package file, add in your interaction, and you're ready to see your string in-game. For example: n="Triplis:Interaction_DoThings" This is the name that will be used for generating the hash. The complete list of all availablemedicines. ivy-sims reblogged this from 2fingerswhiskey thecreatureinthedark liked this lady-moriel liked this Namely, it will make a backup of XML files inputted and STBL files referenced before editing them. Longer answer: You may have seen me give some contradicting or confusing information on cross platform about my programs in the past. Right now, Injection Tools allows you to inject: These together allow you to add new situations to the world, or add additional constraints to who can be chosen for existing situations, without causing compatibility issues. Aremods safe? 1.2, XML Tuning: Find and Replace Dialog: To accommodate highlighting relating to search, "selected text" and "found text" colors have been added to the colors that can be changed under Set Text Style Overrides. This program would not have been possible without the help of Scumbumbo aiding me in tracking down a mysterious bug that was causing a game crash. Uploaded by TURBODRIVERDEV. In the box that says "Files to Hash" above it, paste in a file path, and it will do a number of operations on the file: generate a hash for it, insert the hash as its internal file hash in decimal and then apply the hash to its external filename as hexadecimal. Provided you are using one of those formats for the naming of your XML file, the program should pick out the right kind of companion DATA file. It is perfectlysafeto downloadmods. r3m_spellbook_injector_V2.ts4script. Right now, most of the variation revolves around different types for buffs and different types for traits. I'd like to keep the tool as narrow in scope as possible, so that it's lightweight and easy to use for its purpose. If you have issues with it, you can turn it off in preferences: "Insert: Match Indent to Current Line" | If you think there's an edge case in Sims 4 Tuning structure I've missed, you can let me know in my discord with sample XML that is indenting strangely. If you give something a restriction, then it will be ignored in processing if the types don't match. If included, it will cause the program to ignore anything before ":" when appending the internal filename to the end of the external filename. I've utilized the tool extensively since and there is no crashing from the string tables it makes anymore (I would not be releasing it if there was such an issue still). What does the mod do? A number of things have been given tooltips or placeholder text, to hopefully make it clearer at a glance how stuff works without needing to pore over detailed documentation. This is completely optional and is just a "minimize user error" kind of thing.