SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Scientists have found a previously undiscovered moai on Easter Island, uncovering the large stone statue in a dry lake bed on the tiny, remote island in the middle of the. I felt that perhaps this isnt the case but rather the more plausible explanation may be that the raging Truckee River which dumps itself into Pyramid Lake perhaps was responsible for carrying bodies down stream. Pyramid Lake is one of the last remaining remnants of the ancient Lake Lahontan and is located entirely within the Paiute Indian Reservation. Credit: Skin Divers This subterranean Shangri-la is inhabited by a race of golden people who seldom communicate with the surface world. 4.Yulhyeon Tunnel . Lake Moeris is an ancient man-made lake in the northwest area of the Faiyum Oasis. January 17, 2018 - The world's longest underwater cave has been discovered near the city of Tulum, on Mexico's Yucatn Peninsula. The Nile, which flows north, and is considered to be the largest river in the world, is approximately 5 miles east of the Giza Plateau. Must Read : The Changing Face of the Indian Railways 2. Completed: 2016. Tunnel 1, just downstream of the surge chamber which receives water lifted by Edmonston Pumping Plant, is 7,933 feet long and connects to Tunnel 2, which is 2,810 feet long. How could this be? The 10 Longest Underwater Tunnels in the World - TheRichest Chicago has both Boston and Brooklyn beat with SIX different sets of "left behind" holes in the ground: the Pedway, CTA tunnels, cable car tunnels, freight tunnels, water tunnels . I was told this chamber was for the favored onesthe guardians which tended to be the highest of priests. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The percentages displayed a sodium level which is higher than the fresh water of the Nile River , and lower than the salinity of the Mediterranean Sea, which the Nile flows into. In Egypt, all things are negotiable. I has already been confirmed there are ancients buildings below the sand on that spot. To find underground water in a dry desert area, where there shouldn't be any, is intriguing. It wasnt easy getting permission to explore under the Giza Plateau. A huge pyramid had been discovered off the Azores islands by Portuguese amateur sailor Diocletian Silva. The tests showed something I hadnt expected. Once a Pharaoh was placed in his tomb, his spirit would descend into the Underworld where he would meet with a group of guardians and the gods Heka, Sia, and Hu who would help him (along with the god, Sobek) during his journey. It is less well-known that this Osiris Shaft was actually discovered as early as 193334 by famed Egyptologist, Dr. Selim Hassan. I looked down the last shaft and saw water was up to the last rung of the ladder leading to the third underground chamber. So whatever this guide or inspector told you about the opening of the lid is simply false. Only two black basalt and granite sarcophagi were still there, both empty with their heavy lids slightly ajar. EU and US Copyright 2018 Article reprint by Permission Only with full source attribution. The area of highest activity is between Oakville and Toronto. Whats interesting about Lake Moeris and Hawara is that it shows a massive network of tunnels and underground waterways as well. World's Largest Underwater Cave Discovered - Science Another way to look at these happenings is the body could flow over the spillway at Tahoe and flow down the Truckee River to its final destination at Pyramid. However, my inside sources reveal it to be anything but a tomb. Large pyramids, totally overgrown, recently were discovered in Indonesia, as well as one big one in West Java. Rugby World Cup Winners List, Gandhi was . Ancient writings spoke of these 12 large chambers, which in modern day would be several times the size of football fields. There are hundreds of pyramids around the world, many overgrown by vegetation and barely recognizable. Pyramid Lake is an endorheic lake. The Bosnian Pyramid , which is even larger than the Great Pyramid, also has water tunnels which look remarkably similar to the water tunnels running under the Giza Plateau. . So it was in early 2018, at 4:30 AM, when a Giza Plateau inspector, my Egyptologist friend Hares and myself plodded across the desert sands with only a flashlight to light our way in the morning chill. mining the copper in upper Michigan - thus linked to the King Solomon Mines and/or Temple. My chemist friend thought that unlikely due to the indigenous rock in the area. I had come prepared (see water analysis report further down). pyramid lake underwater tunnels - It is no secret that beneath the Great Pyramid are vertical shafts, tunnels, hidden chambers, and even a subterranean lake. I continued my descent to the second level, the longest, where thelighting was low, lit by a single bulb hanging from the ceiling which someone had thought to put in place years ago. The Water Report showed highest concentrate of sodium, followed by chloride. Growing up I heard stories of boats that capsized in Pyramid Lake and . pyramid lake tunnels - The story goes that when the man brought the mermaid to the village to announce his intentions to marry her, they were met with disdain and the man was told to take the strange creature back to the water. Why Is Earth's Schumann Resonance Accelerating? UC Davis Studies of Lake Tahoe, Pyramid Lake Suggest Some Practical In prehistory it was once a freshwaterlake, with an area estimated to vary between 490 656 miles. Cathedrals are some of the most awe-inspiring structures in the world, with their grandeur and intricate details captivating visitors for centuries. However every continent has them, regardless of the fact that they often are not recognized by the scientific establishment. It is less well-known that this Osiris Shaft was actually discovered as early as 193334 by famed Egyptologist, Dr. Selim Hassan. It was well documented in the past by early Egyptian archeologists, some who supposedly stumbled unto entrances. It is a ghoulish story to be sure, but is likely based on exaggeration aimed at making the Natives look like savages. What they found is mind-boggling (,,, Exploring the Great Pyramid's Underground Water Tunnels. In 2003, a tunnel was discovered beneath the Feathered Serpent pyramid in the ruins of Teotihuacan, the ancient city in Mexico. The water tunnels under the Giza Plateau may also have a duo purpose in carrying out ritual enactments on the journey to the Underworld. A rotting wood platform structure leans off to the right of the chamber, probably left behind from Dr. Hassans day. We were initially met with suspicion by Egyptian authorities who wanted to know who we were, what we wanted, and how we even knew about the shafts. Enigmatic Carvings on Underwater Ruins in China Mystify Investigators The water is clear but filled with silt and some debris. Author, Dr. Kathy Forti prepares to descend under the Giza Plateau. Navy halts use of fuel storage complex above Hawaii . From this subway, we have unearthed a series of shafts leading down more than 125 feet, with roomy courts and side chambers. The reason they (Egypt) wont let anyone do research on the labyrinth is because it would do a lot of damage to the surroundings and the fact that a little river is running through the site isn't helping either. The inspector handed me the key and allowed me the honor of opening this secret doorway. Mudlarker Finds Bronze Age Shoe on a UK Riverbank Dated 2,800 Years Old! Making matters even weirder is that Pyramid Lake has no outlet whatsoever. I was told there were three lower levels, the last leading to the water tunnels more than 125 feet below ground. Nefer Say Nefer - Was Nefertiti Buried in the Valley of the Queens? Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. There is this allegorical meaning for water where the cycle of life begins and ends.. There, at an undisclosed location, [6] a henge-like structure resides. Pyramid Lake spans 1,360 acres with depths of 700 feet and 21 miles of shoreline. Azores' underwater pyramid: Could it be the missing link of Atlantis December 9, 2015 / by Kathy J. Forti. Your research was very interesting, but it is incompetent. The world's first underwater tunnel was built under the river Thames, which drifts through London. I had come prepared (see water analysis report further down). By . My chemist friend thought that unlikely due to the indigenous rock in the area. The water looked to be about mid-thigh on a man but could be deeper in parts further back. Ancient Civilizations Decoded. China's Longest UNDERWATER Tunnel Completed - YouTube Beneath the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids there is an extensive underground tunnel and chamber network which runs for a total of more than ten miles, connecting all pyramids and other places together. The tunnels led water from under the funeral chamber out into the broad esplanade in front of the temple, thus giving Pakals spirit a path to the underworld. One of the granite sarcophagi found in the chamber. The lakes surface is 140feet below sea-level, and covers about 78square miles. In the past they referred to this hidden place as that shaft complex. Gonzalez said he believes there is no shaft or connection between the tomb and the tunnel, but adds the conduit hasnt been fully explored yet because it is too small to crawl through. . (Author provided), It wasnt easy getting permission to explore under the Giza Plateau. The second level of the Osiris Shaft may be the symbolic sarcophagi of the seven guardians and the third level the ascension portal to the Underworld. While the water down there is relatively clear, there exists a hodgepodge of construction debris from earlier explorersbroken stones, scattered wooden slats, some papyrus strips, and a strange white filmy substance on the water in several places. In an underwater investigation in Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Province, China, started on June 13, 2006, archeologists discovered remains of a group of huge ancient buildings at the bottom of the lake. Lake Ontario "Lights" Orange-colored spheres have been seen coming out of/diving into Lake Ontario. Experts say that the flames are in fact depictions of the Mayas World Tree or Tree of Life, whose roots were believed to reach into the underworld. 5 A Stonehenge-Like Structure Under Lake Michigan. The mermaid curse is certainly not the only ominous legend associated with Pyramid Lake. Aug. 9, 2011 12 AM PT Authorities at Lake Tahoe on Monday solved the mystery of a scuba diver who disappeared 17 years ago in the mountain lake's deep, frigid waters. pyramid lake underwater tunnels. You can do a quick Google Images search for stills from the documentary if you don't believe me. The story of how these bizarre creatures came to be varies. Share. Undisturbed for 1,800 years, the sealed-off passage was found to. Im super sensitive and I feel kind of good nervous when I drink it. Which means the water that runs under the Giza Plateau is essentially salt water. Another theory is that Pyramid Lake and Lake Tahoe are connected via a series of mysterious subterranean tunnels and river systems, through which the corpses might travel from one place to the other. Even more than 1 layer! I was told this chamber was for the favored onesthe guardians which tended to be the highest of priests. The dig began in 2012, when researchers become concerned about underground anomalies detected with geo-radar under the area in front of the pyramids steps. Dr. Forti, There are not words to adequately convey my gratitude for your inspiring work. Perhaps even stranger than the disappearances are the occasional cases of the corpses of drowning victims in Pyramid Lake turning up floating around in nearby Lake Tahoe and vice versa. Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog. Emerging from the winze, the permafrost tunnel opens into a high-ceilinged gallery of water-ice patterns, each one as beautiful as an abstract sculpture. facebook youtube youtube. Perhaps the locations for all great pyramids around the world are based on a water need. This new settlement had disastrous consequences for the Paiute, as miners chopped down pinyon trees, a major food source for the Natives, and cattle ranchers caused the destruction of the already sparse vegetation with their herds, as well as competing with the Paiute for these grazing lands. Water tunnel found beneath Mayan ruin that provided ruler a path to While these were described thousands of years ago, the gigantic underground cavities were mapped since 1978 using ground penetrating radar thanks to explorations led by Dr. Jim Hurtak, who is said to have entered massive chambers that are larger than the largest cathedrals ever erected by modern man. The director of archaeology for the National Institute of Anthropology and History, Pedro Sanchez Nava, said the theory makes sense in light of other pre-Hispanic peoples such as those who lived at Teotihuacan, near Mexico City, where another water tunnel was found. It wouldnt be surprising if they did. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I climbed down to a narrow ledge and got my first look at this mysterious chamber. It might be possible that. And then I saw it, a stone slab cover to a sarcophagus buried just beneath the waters surface. It is my wish that you investigate more into this project, because the average, yet curious individual cannot afford entrance with the Egyptian government. The route connects Zurich with Milan and the trains cover 57 km underwater in just 20 minutes. Lake Moeris isan ancient man-made lake in the northwest area of the Faiyum Oasis. Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologists Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical. Lining the passageways and underground tunnels of the pyramid is granite, which is slightly radioactive. MKULTRA: What I Learned About Mind Control from Clients, Zika Virus - What They Are Not Telling You, Deflecting Psychic Attacks, Empowering One's Light, Searching for Answers on a Visit to NASA's JPL, Reincarnation of Om Sety and the Secrets at Abydos, Great Pyramid Ascension Chambers Revealed - Part 3, Who Really Built the Great Pyramid - Part 1, Rediscovering the Healing Temples of Saqqara, Packing for Mars: Revelations on the Secret Space Program, Timeline Shifts: Incredible World Predictions Until 2050, Evidence of Ancient Civilization Nuclear Wars, Is Water the New Oil? China has many pyramids and some are extremely tall. The tunnel connects Hokkaido Island with the Aomori Prefecture. ( CLICK HERE for the full report.). Rock Lake, Located in Lake Mills, Wisconsin has a pyramid resting beneath its waters. "There is untouched archaeology down there, as well as a delicate ecosystem that includes colonies of bats and a species of spider which we have tentatively identified as the white widow," British . From time to time, they travel into our land through tunnels that stretch in many directions. Entrances at Lake Ontario possible underwater UFO bases/cities. Researchers had to send a robot with a camera down to view much of the underground horizontal shaft. Its possible this could be the depository of ancient and advanced knowledge the Atlanteans hid behind in the event of a future global catastrophe. Large pyramids, totally overgrown, recently were discovered in Indonesia, as well as one big one in West Java. Chicago, IL. Pakal, in other words, didnt fly off into space; he went down the drain. One of their most unusual underwater discoveries was an ancient forest at the bottom of Fallen Leaf Lake, adjacent to Lake Tahoe, where 80-foot tall trees, more than 2,000 years old are still. These stories were confirmed when these large cavities were discovered during a survey conducted at Giza in 1993. Drop in lake water levels exposes history - SFGATE Lake Inferior: The Underground Lake Beneath Lake Superior People have been making underwater tunnels . (Our entry has now opened the way for others wanting access, but also for a hefty price.). The pyramid is located in an area of the mid-Atlantic that has been submerged for the last 20,000 years. It is a breathtaking location which holds an undercurrent of menace thrumming quietly under the surface, and holds mysteries that have surrounded it since when the very first people settled the area. Entrances to the tunnels are believed to be hidden in several of the ancient cities of the Orient. The Pharaoh would then set sail and begin his adventure. This underwater sea tunnel reaches to a whooping depth of 2300m. Subterranean Tunnels - Underground Alien Bases Toronto Tunnels leading to subterranean city. Southern - California The Pharaoh would then set sail and begin his adventure. Digital reconstruction of a pyramid submerged in Fuxian Lake, China. Huge Underwater Pyramid Discovered Near Portugal The Navy Is Investigating. Ancient Greek legends tell of a hidden above ground and below ground pyramid complex at Hawara known as The Labyrinth that contained Twelve GreatHalls. It seemed to be even more advanced than Egyptian pyramids. The Giza Inspector confirmed it had never been opened, which one would find odd, unless they had already tried to open it and had been unsuccessful. There is always the possibility that what they find may pre-date Egyptian culture, disproving the accepted timeline of history. New Tunnel Discovered under Ancient Pyramid - National Geographic Society hamilton broadway tickets 2021. Water samples were collected for analysis. I meant to say, and thought I wrote- incomplete. Pyramid Lake | Alberta Canada The road skirting Pyramid Lake was one of the . that Pakals position in the engraving on the stone sarcophagus lid resembled the position of astronauts, and he appeared to be seated in a contraption with flames coming out of it and controls. Reuter notes that increasing water flow to Pyramid Lake and the lower Truckee River is critical for water quality. Coincidence? Cave complex may lie beneath Giza Pyramids - NBC News Rumor has it that there are underground tunnels connecting the two rivers, and the bodies are drawn into these subterranean tunnels and transported between the two lakes. - Water Theft Shenanigans in California, Training to Become a "HANGAR 1" UFO Investigator. (CLICK HERE for the full report.). The author Erich von Daniken suggested in his 1968 book Chariots of the Gods? These raids graduated to full skirmishes and culminated in the the Paiute War, also known as the Pyramid Lake War, which occurred in 1860 around Pyramid Lake and consisted of two violent engagements that killed around 80 settlers and an unknown number of Paiute. . What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? (Author supplied). Today, underwater tunnels are often created with humongous tunnel-boring machines (TBMs) sometimes called moles . All three of the organized religions (Islam, Roman, and Judaic) tend to censor history before their own inception. Others dispute this dating and believe it dates back much earlier. Interesting, if true. Maybe the saltiness of the water stems from thousands of years rain water; filtering its way to the tunnel and carrying minerals and such which was already in the earth. Ancient Greek legends tell of a hidden above-ground and below-ground pyramid complex at Hawara known as The Labyrinth that contained Twelve Great Halls. There are hundreds of pyramids around the world, many overgrown by vegetation and barely recognizable. These Atlanteans may indeed be the true builders of the ancient pyramids. While most people might not realize it, they most certainly have seen the lake at some point, since its image is used as the default screen saver for the Apple iPad devices. So where is this salt water coming from? I stepped down and turned to find a chamber room with seven niches for seven large sarcophagi. A rotting wood platform structure leans off to the right of the chamber, probably left behind from Dr. Hassans day. I was told there were three lower levels, the last leading to the water tunnels more than 125 feet (38 meters) below ground. There were undecipherable markings on the slab, a crisscross of deeply carved lines and some symbols. Jasper, Alberta 6km north of Jasper townsite on Pyramid Lake Road 780-852-6176. Tahoe's Tunnel of Doom - Tahoe Quarterly In 1987, Frank Joseph, an American author became interested in the underwater pyramid. They now officially call it the Osiris Shaft. The Egyptian authorities suspect there to be artifacts hidden under the water, possibly a treasure trove of information as well, which the Egyptian government has been reluctant to fully explore. December 8, 2021 11:40 pm. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked!