He believes that it is Gods purpose, in thus driving him about in miserable life, and preserving him undying, to present him before the Jews at the end, as a living token, so that the godless and unbelieving may remember the death of Christ, and beturned to repentance. The populace enthusiastically reversed their late opinion of the treasurer, and greeted him as a saint and confessor. This is the origin of the fabulousinvasion of France by the allied armies of the North. S. Jerome testifies that the versions of Aquila and Symmachus, written, the one under Adrian, the other under Marcus Aurelius, were without it, and that it was only in the version of Theodotion, made under Septimius Severus, that the T was inserted. The "parting glass", or "stirrup cup", was the final hospitality offered to a departing guest. A Scandinavian legend is to this effect[142]. Usardus, who mentions these, gives the names of Martha and Saula. It's a song sung at funerals in Ireland. The enthusiasm of the Crusaders for the Eastern soldier-saint who led them to battle, soon raised S. George to the highest pitch of popularity among the nobles and fighting-men of Europe. The sweet maidens no more swam of their own free will in the crystal waves, but swam thus through the force of an enchantment they were unable to break. The enraged Jews cast Joseph into prison, and left him to die of hunger. Eindridi prepared to attempt the difficult shot. 1013; and the Gospel, S. John xv. If I had money enough to spend, The version told in the Netherlands much resembled that related at St. Albans, only that the Jew, seeing the people dragging Christ to his death, exclaims,, Atends moi! Now doth Cain with fork of thorns confine,On either hemisphere, touching the waveBeneath the towers of Seville. A Polish version occurs in old historical writers. The king and the queene behelde them piteousli in weeping for sorrow that they had to se theyr poore children so transmued into swannes. The Phoenician Adonis was identical with Tammuz. The ratsmira metamorphosicome from the corpses of those poisoned by Popiel. He was succeeded in his office by his son Frimutelle, who transgressed, by loving a damsel, Floramie by name. Very scarce also. A sad picture, but doubtless one very true. Shakespeare drew the plots of his plays from Boccaccio or Straparola; but these Italians did not invent the tales they lent to the English dramatist. Hob XXXIa 254. It was a weasel. Then Tanhuser, full of despair, and with his soul darkened, went away, and returned to the only asylum open to him, the Venusberg. Captain Weddell, well known for his geographical discoveries in the extreme south of the globe, relates the following story:A boats crew were employed on Halls Island, when one of the crew, left to take care of some produce, saw an animal whose voice was even musical. In the early part of the fifteenth century, there arrived in Lisbon an old bewildered pilot of the seas, who had been driven by the tempests he knew not whither, and raved about an island in the far deep, upon which he had landed, and which he had found peopled with Christians and adorned with noble cities. Consequently in redigging the foundations a number of bones were discovered, especially at one spot. Among the heathen, flows through a certain province the River Indus; encircling Paradise, it spreads its arms in manifold windings through the entire province. The North-American Indians relate that they were conducted from Northern Asia by a man-fish. The revulsion of feeling upsets his reason, he undertakes a prodigious fast, goes crazy, tells a long rambling story about a compact with the devil, and dies three days after in brain-fever. Debes relates that it happened a good while since, when the burghers of Bergen had the commerce of the Faroe Isles, that there was a man in Serraade, called Jonas Soideman, who was kept by the spirits in a mountain during the space of seven years, and at length came out, but lived afterwards in great distress and fear, lest they should again take him away; wherefore people were obliged to watch him in the night. The same author mentions another young man who had been carried away, and after his return was removed a second time, upon the eve of his marriage. The Bishop looked from his window, and saw the road and fields dark with the moving multitude; neither hedge nor wall impeded their progress, as they made straight for his mansion. Danske viser, i. The caravel now lay perfectly becalmed off the mouth of a river, on the banks of which, about a league off, was descried a noble city, with lofty walls and towers, and a protecting castle. And so evere more sittiens, he is clept Prestre John.. Geiler v. Keysersperg, a quaint old preacher of the fifteenth century, speaks of the witches assembling on the Venusberg. I am going to the tank to fetch water. George, who passed that way, saw her weeping, and asked the cause of her tears. A similar myth is found among the Scandinavian and Teutonic nations. INmy article on the Terrestrial Paradise I mentioned the principal mediaeval fables existing relative to that blessed spot, which was located, according to popular belief, in the remote East of Asia. And Nicolaes de Klerc, who wrote in 1318, thus refers to it in his Brabantine Gests Formerly the Dukes of Brabant have been much belied in that it is said of them that they came with a swan[210]. And Jan Veldenar (1480) says: Now, once upon a time, this noble Jungfrau of Cleves was on the banks by Nymwegen, and it was clear weather, and she gazed up the Rhine, and saw a strange sight: for there came sailing down a white swan with a gold chain about its neck, and by this it drew a little skiff . And in at the windows, and in at the door,And through the walls by thousands they pour,And down from the ceiling, and up through the floor,From the right and the left, from behind and before,From within and without, from above and below,And all at once to the Bishop they go. He turns to Christianity, and at first it seems to promise all that he requires. The Duke of Limburg and Brabant died leaving an only daughter, Else or Elsam. It will be found as the first tale in the third book. The cross of Thorr is still used in Iceland as a magical sign in connexion with storms of wind and rain. How much more then were they astonished at learning that, the whole time of their absence, those who remained within the house had heard the moaning and clapping of hands even louder and more distinct than before they had gone out; and no sooner was the door of the room closed on them, than they again heard the same mournful sounds. Wessel, tom. alas! He stood foot in stirrup, ready to mount, when a swan appeared on the river drawing a ship along. i. cap. Then there was drought and pestilence in the land of Babel for three months, so that the living were not sufficient to bury the dead. It simply says (Greek). At this juncture a neighbor reminded the magistrates of an incident which had taken place four years previous. this wound on your head hath taken over much cold. And so then they rowed from the land, and Sir Bedivere cried, Ah! Odin appears as the wild huntsman, followed by a multitude of souls; or, as the Piper of Hameln, leading them into the mountain where he dwells. He slew it; then came another serpent, and finding its companion dead, it fetched a root by which it restored life to the dead serpent. ii. Its forehead was large and round. The beautiful legend of Undine is but another version of the same story. Wieland appears, and promises to return their bird-skins if one of them will consent to be his wife. In 1560, near the island of Mandar, on the west of Ceylon, some fishermen entrapped in their net seven mermen and mermaids, of which several Jesuits, and Father Henriques, and Bosquez, physician to the Viceroy of Goa, were witnesses. Great! ), or the French author from whom he translated the life of S George, thought fit to reduce the extravagance of the original to moderate proportions, the seventy-two kings were reduced to seven, the countless tortures to eight; George is bound, and has a weight laid on him, is beaten with sticks, starved, put on a wheel covered with blades, quartered and thrown into a pond, rolled down a hill in a brazen bull, his nails transfixed with poisoned thorns, and he is then executed with the sword. And as such it became liable to abuse; thus Hosea rebukes the chosen people for practising similar divinations. Presently there came a second weasel, as if to seek his comrade, and when he found him dead, a mournful scene began; he touched him as if to say, Wake up, wake up, let us play together! And when the other little animal lay dead and motionless, the living one sprang back from him in terror, and then repeated the attempt again and again, many times. We are very pleased to iii. A hundred and seventy-nine of the bodies had been burnt. Celtique, v. p. 202. At a banquet given by Bran to Martholone, King of Ireland, the Welsh prince presented the bowl to his guest. In order to test the virtue of the Bodhisattwa, Indra came to the friends, in the form of an old man, asking for food. Pic: Sarah Gordon/AP Studios. O Georgi Martyr inclyte,Te decet laus et gloria,Predotatum militia;Per quem puella regia,Existens in tristitia,Coram Dracone pessimo,Salvata est. Nemesis is a Norn, who, with Shame, having abandoned men, depart,when they have clad their fair skin in white raiment,to the tribe of the immortals.[200]. Click Buy it now or Add to cart and proceed to checkout. xv. 8. This king, years before, had gathered all the treasures that he had obtained in a long life of piracy, and had suffered himself to be buried alive with his ill-gotten wealth. 31). M. Goyonnot, Recorder of the Kings Council, broke a window in his house, and sent for the diviner, to whom he related a story of his having been robbed of valuables during the night. Mercury is Woden: Hercules, or Mars, is Thorr. But God restored him to life once more, and destroyed the king and all his subjects[53]. This romance was commenced by Chretien at the request of Phillip of Alsace, Count of Flanders; it was continued by Gauthier de Denet, and finished by Manessier, towards the close of the twelfth century. xxv. par Hjouen Thsang, traduits du Chinois par Stanislas Julien, i. The head of Medusa, with its flying serpent locks, is unquestionably the storm-cloud; and the basilisk which strikes dead with its eye is certainly the same. I have seen thee in her; and I do adore thee. According to Pausanias, Apollo was an Egyptian deity; and in the mythological history of the fabulous Napoleon we find the hero in Egypt, regarded by the inhabitants with veneration, and receiving their homage. Then the monastery roll was brought forth, wherein were written the names of all who had belonged to that house of prayer, and therein it was found, That on a certain day and date,One thousand years before,Had gone forth from the convent gateThe Monk Felix, and never moreHad enterd that sacred door:He had been counted among the dead.And they knew at last,That, such had been the powerOf that celestial and immortal song,A thousand years had passd,And had not seemd so longAs a single hour.. That fable is the romance or Legend of the Cross, a legend of immense popularity in the Middle Ages, if we may judge by the numerous representations of its leading incidents, which meet us in stained glass and fresco. Every Saturday she left him, and spent the twenty-four hours in the strictest seclusion, without her husband thinking of intruding on her privacy. The Mediaevals went further still, they desired to see the cross still stronger characterized in the history of the Jewish Church, and as the records of the Old Covenant were deficient on that point, they supplemented them with fable. p. 447. I counted from thirty to thirty-five revolutions in a minute, and afterwards as many as eighty. The collection consisted of personal ornaments, such as brooches, fibulae, and torques, and also of pieces of money, to which were fastened rings in order that they might be strung on a necklace. He passed to the second, and the rod turned at once. As, then, Christ was led by, bowed under the weight of the heavy cross, He tried to rest a little, and stood still a moment; but the shoemaker, in zeal and rage, and for the sake of obtaining credit among the other Jews, drove the Lord Christ forward, and told Him to hasten on His way. The writings of S. Athanasius were sufficiently known to the Mediaevals to save them from falling into such an error, and S. Athanasius paints his antagonist in no charming colours. The winged deity holds a spear; the central god is armed with a bundle of thunderbolts and a dart, and is accompanied by the cross; the third, a female, bears a flower. They ate, and then, as they sat weeping and speaking to one another, by the will of God they fell asleep. My mistress showed me thee, and thy dog, and thy bush.. Col, says he, is a noble animal. On the morrow, the bishop discovering his error, how we know not, sent for Theophilus, and acknowledged publicly that he had been misled by false reports, the utter valuelessness of which he was ready frankly to acknowledge; and he asked pardon of the priest, for having unjustly deprived him of his office. xxi. A monster Grendel haunts a marsh near a town on the North Sea. Ursula and the eleven thousand British virgins are said to have suffered martyrdom at Cologne, on October 21st, 237; for in 1837 was celebrated with splendor the 16th centenary jubilee of their passion. Benaiah by this means obtained possession of the coveted schamir, and bore it to Solomon. Certainly a story at all scandalouscrescit eundo. Excuse me, said Raleigh, but I cannot have been deceived as you suppose, for I was eye-witness to the events which took place under my own window, and the man fell there on that spot where you see a paving-stone standing up above the rest., My dear Raleigh, replied his friend, I was sitting on that stone when the fray took place, and I received this slight scratch on my cheek in snatching the sword from the murderer; and upon my word of honor, you have been deceived upon every particular., Sir Walter, when alone, took up the second volume of his History, which was in MS., and contemplating it, thoughtIf I cannot believe my own eyes, how can I be assured of the truth of a tithe of the events which happened agesbefore I was born? and he flung the manuscript into the fire.[26]. de Ortu, Vita, et Excessu Coleri, I. Cti. The devotion to Tammuz, we are told, was popular from Antioch to Elymais[63]. It was now evening, and the city gates being all closed, the quest of blood was relinquished for the night. The crew, six in number, took it within their boat; but superstition getting the better of curiosity, they carefully disentangled it from the lines and from a hook which had accidentally fastened in its body, and returned it to its native element. When Osiris is represented holding out the crux ansata to a mortal, it means that the person to whom he presents it has put off mortality, and entered on the life to come. He had upon his head long green hair, much resembling the coarse weeds which the mighty storms scatter along the margin of the strand. The story as told by nurses is, that this man was found by Moses gathering sticks on a Sabbath, and that, for this crime, he was doomed to reside in the moon till the end of all things; and they refer to Numbers xv. It is curious that a trace of this myth should remain among the Wesleyans. This Unk-Khan was a real individual; he lost his life in the year 1203. The belief in the Moon-man seems to exist among the natives of British Columbia; for I read in one of Mr. Duncans letters to the Church Missionary Society, One very dark night I was told that there was a moon to see on the beach. He sought the house of his betrothed, the Donna Serafina. After certayne tyme that the victoryous kynge Helyas had posseded the Realme of Lyleforte in good peace and tranquilite of justice, it happened on a day as he was in his palais looking towarde the river that he apperceived the swanne, one of his brethren that was not yet tourned into his fourme humayne, for that his chaine was molten for to make Matabrune a cup. In like manner, I am satisfied that we make a mistake in considering the Dissent of England, especially as manifested in greatest intensity in the wilds of Cornwall, Wales, and the eastern moors of Yorkshire, where the Keltic element is strong, as a form of Christianity. But unfortunately for the truth of the legend, its pedigree can be traced with the utmost precision. And many people, some of high degree and title, have seen this same man in England, France, Italy, Hungary, Persia, Spain, Poland, Moscow, Lapland, Sweden, Denmark, Scotland, and other places. Then Persephone, the queen of Hades, had to be accounted for. His brother, whom he had left a stripling, was now a hoary man. He replied that there certainly was such a cave, for he and another English knight had been there whilst the king was at Dublin, and said that they entered the cave, and were shut in as the sun set, and that they remained there all night, and left it next morning at sunrise.